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A once-polarizing thriller series that successfully spawned 6 spin-offs proves to be difficult to rewatch

Not every series is rewatch material.

The Walking Dead
Image via AMC

Ever since its mind-melting debut back in 2010, The Walking Dead has undoubtedly reigned supreme as one of the most-watched television series of all time. From zombies ripping limbs to shreds to dysfunctional dynamics splitting popular character groups, the thriller series soared for over 11 seasons in total. That being said, perhaps the show’s noticeable decline in quality and ratings over the years are stark reminders as to why it’s difficult to embark on a full rewatch.

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Of course, this theory was heavily discussed over on the r/horror subreddit, where a fair amount of Redditors argued that the show is extremely difficult to rewatch due to its “bloated” narrative over time and its ability to become completely unrealistic. But despite the series continuously pedaling forward and pushing out double-digit seasons, it begs the question if too many seasons actually results in less of a desire to rewatch the show in its entirety.

The Walking Dead cast
Image via AMC

Then again, when you’ve got a television series that focuses on the same concept for over 10 years, it should hardly come as a surprise that the show suffered a tremendous dip in quality. And considering the fact that a large handful of the show’s main cast members memorably departed from the show with each passing season, folks having trouble with sitting through an entire rewatch makes perfect sense.

On the other hand, it remains to be seen how successful the show’s upcoming spin-offs prove to be, although Fear the Walking Dead has definitely enjoyed its fair share of triumph since its debut. For those wishing to partake in a rewatch, all seasons of The Walking Dead are available to stream on Netflix and AMC Plus.