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America Gods Featurette Expands On The Premise Of The Show

We're now two episodes into Starz and Bryan Fuller's small screen adaptation of Neil Gaiman's American Gods, and while the story is beginning to become a little clearer, those that haven't read the source material may still be feeling a little lost by the show's surreal nature and, at times, deliberately vague narrative. If you happen to be one of those people, this latest featurette offers some handy insight into the premise while also giving us a look at some new footage from this Sunday's third installment.

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We’re now two episodes into Starz and Bryan Fuller’s small screen adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s American Gods, and while the story is beginning to become a little clearer, those that haven’t read the source material may still be feeling a bit lost due to the the show’s surreal nature and, at times, deliberately vague narrative. If you happen to be one of those people, this latest featurette offers some handy insight into the premise while also giving us a look at some new footage from this Sunday’s third installment. Give it a watch below.

Last week, Mr. Wednesday took Shadow to see the first of the Old Gods that he hopes to get on his side for the coming war: Czernobog, the God of Evil. Unfortunately, the belligerent old git would only accompany them if Shadow was able to beat him in a game of checkers, which the over-confident ex-con failed to do. Czernobog’s winning terms? He now gets to smash Shadow’s brains in with his magical hammer.

That will have to wait, though, as the duo still have some recruiting to do. First stop is Mr. Nancy (remember him from last week’s prologue?), who we see here about to regale his guests with another sure to be captivating story. Then, it’s on to the delightfully bright and breezy Easter, and a new character that doesn’t appear in the novel, Vulcan. Suffice it to say, things are about to get very exciting.

Tell us, have you been enjoying American Gods so far? Leave a comment in the usual place and let us know.