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Arrow Star Manu Bennett Has His Sights Set On A Deathstroke Spinoff

Manu Bennett made his return to Arrow in the season 5 finale, something we never thought would happen after past comments he's made about the show. The actor really didn't seem happy about the way Slade Wilson was handled during his last appearance and that seemingly soured him on the Arrowverse for good. Or so we thought.

Manu Bennett made his return to Arrow in the season 5 finale, something we never thought would happen after past comments he’s made about the show. The actor really didn’t seem happy about the way Slade Wilson was handled during his last appearance and that seemingly soured him on the Arrowverse for good. Or so we thought.

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Whatever it is that changed his mind, Bennett seems more interested than ever in the role, as he’s now revealed that he’s actually eyeing a Deathstroke spinoff. When a fan suggested to him that the character needs his own series (which immediately sounds a million times more exciting than something like Black Lightning), the actor revealed that the best way to make that happen is for fans to make their voices heard to the people in charge.

If not a show of his own, it’s easy to picture Deathstroke appearing in either Legends of Tomorrow or The Flash, while a return to Arrow makes perfect sense, too. The CW is, of course, already crammed full of superheroes and supervillains, so finding room for another new series could be pretty challenging. Throw in the fact that the villain is scheduled to appear on the big screen in The Batman and it’s hard to say if Warner Bros. would even give this the green light.

Time will tell, but assuming Slade wasn’t one of the casualties in the explosive Arrow finale, we’ll fairly confident that he’ll be showing up again next year.