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‘Baby Reindeer’: Is Richard Gadd in a relationship?

We can understand why he might be nervous about dating.

baby reindeer richard gadd netflix
Photo by Netflix

Over the last month, Baby Reindeer creator and star Richard Gadd has come from nowhere to become one of the hottest properties in entertainment. His broadly autobiographical Netflix show is receiving near-universal praise, is being watched by millions, and he’ll have the pick of future projects.

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But how are things going in Gadd’s romantic life? Anyone who watched Baby Reindeer will have seen the thinly fictionalized version of Gadd not having the best luck when it comes to relationships, but perhaps things are better offscreen?

Is Gadd with somebody?

Image via Netflix

Gadd has addressed this directly. In a recent interview with The London Times he was asked about his love life and confirmed that he currently lives alone and isn’t in any romantic relationship. As the events Baby Reindeer is based on took place in the mid-2010s Gadd may have had some romantic attachments since then, but this hasn’t been confirmed

Gadd also briefly discussed his love life in an interview with The Independent, saying that Baby Reindeer’s Teri is directly based on a trans woman he’d dated. There’s probably an analog to Keeley out there somewhere as well.

This all leaves Gadd in a unique position when it comes to dating. Gadd’s fictional persona Donny is seen doing some reprehensible and weird stuff in the show when it comes to romantic partners, so if we were dating him we’d have our guard up. Then again, if the show is accurate he’s far from a malicious or nasty individual, merely a slightly neurotic person dealing with an extremely unusual situation. We can only wish him all the best and hope that love is out there for Gadd.