Larry David, the beloved and world renowned contrarian, is somewhat puzzled at the series-high ratings of his eighth season of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Only Larry David would pry at such an accomplishment, sending emails to HBO execs asking as to why this is the case. Did people miss me? Is the tired crowd from the time slot ahead of our show too lazy to change the channel? What does this mean for us? These are just a few of the questions that Larry David has posited, and though you know he conveys these with his trademark sarcasm, they are very important questions to answer. Most notably, “What does it mean for us?”
Larry has a history of boasting for retirement upon completion of every season of Curb Your Enthusiasm, but whether it be a fatter paycheck or an overzealous bout of creativity, he has always returned for a followup season. For the first time ever, Larry has not alluded to his desire for retirement. Quite possibly, the resurgence of his high ratings has brought him good faith, or maybe his recent divorce has given him too much free time. Whatever it may be, I surely hope he considers it as this season has been spectacularly boisterous and it is only three episodes in. Oy Vey!
HBO Executives are, as quoted in Deadline, “Cautiously optimistic” about a 9th season. With at least 5 more episodes to go in this current season, that will do for the time being. The world could always use more of Larry David. Though he is grating for some, he is the perfect conduit through which I (as well as the others who rejoice on Sunday evenings when new episodes air) can release the weekly stress. Here’s hoping that Larry plans a return for years to come!