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New Posters For The Flash, Supergirl And Black Lightning Tease Their Returns

The CW's Arrowverse line-up was severely affected by the Coronavirus. The Flash and Batwoman saw unexpectedly truncated seasons, there were lengthy midseason delays and their returns were ultimately postponed. But now there's light at the end of the tunnel.

The Flash

The CW’s Arrowverse line-up was severely affected by the Coronavirus. The Flash and Batwoman saw unexpectedly truncated seasons, there were lengthy midseason delays and their returns were ultimately postponed. But now there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

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Those production delays have been overcome, the actors are back on set and the network is beginning to hype up the returns of The Flash, Supergirl and Black Lightning. As such, they’ve just released some colorful and stylish new posters for the shows, which you can check out below.

As cool as these are, the fact that they don’t provide any exact dates for when these series will return is a bit disappointing. Right now, we know that The Flash season 7 is down for a January 2021 release. Now, the first few episodes will be what were originally the final three episodes of season 6, which gives the show a head start. Still, the production window will be pretty tight to get the series fully in gear for January.

Black Lightning is also down for a January 2021 release, though that date was first announced pre-COVID-19, so there’s a chance it could be pushed a little later into next year. As yet, details are thin on the ground, so let’s hope for more soon.

Supergirl, unfortunately, is a bit vaguer, though we know it’ll be back sometime in 2021. The pandemic might not even be a huge factor, as the show is on pause as Melissa Benoist is pregnant with her first child. My bet is that we’ll next see Kara kicking butt on screen sometime during summer 2021.

Arrowverse fans have had it pretty rough during this pandemic, but they should at least be happy that these series are indeed returning in the near(ish) future. Let’s hope we hear from the rest of the shows in the stable soon, particularly the retooled season 2 of Batwoman and the awesome-sounding Superman & Lois.