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Five Things We’d Like To See On CW’s Arrow

The CW has done a great job with Arrow so far by taking a comic book universe and putting it into a modern day setting. They've managed to introduce some familiar characters from the comic, and weave in some interesting new faces. That being said, there are still some improvements that they can make and here are five things I really hope they get to at some point during the series run. Since it seems like the show is grounded in reality, I'll not pine for any super powered characters to appear. But if they add that super side to the show at some point in future episodes, I'll revisit this list for sure.

1) Nightwing / Blüdhaven

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I flipped out when they mentioned Blüdhaven in an episode of Arrow. Blüdhaven, for those of you that don’t know, is where Nightwing lives. Nightwing, for those of you that don’t know, is Dick Grayson, the original Robin. If I have to explain who Robin is, then shame on you.

As soon as they mentioned Blüdhaven, my mind immediately raced to a potential story arc with Arrow and Nightwing battling it out before finally teaming up to fight villainy. Yea, I know it’s kind of cliche, but I’m such a fan of Dick Grayson/Nightwing that I’d be perfectly OK with it.

Plus, the Nightwing/Robin character had a great teaser moment at the end of The Dark Knight Rises, so this could be a good time to introduce him into the Arrow world.

2) Gotham City

I think Batman has been perfectly done by Christopher Nolan and I wouldn’t even want to see the CW attempt to cameo him into an episode at all. But that’s not to say I don’t think his city shouldn’t get a mention. Much like I marked out for the Blüdhaven name drop, I’d do the same if they mentioned Gotham City in an episode. To make it even better they could have a scene where a couple characters are traveling through Gotham City with the iconic Bat Signal lighting up the sky.

I think I would pause my DVR and just smile if that happened.

3) Solomon Grundy

Yes, Solomon Grundy is a zombie, but what’s hotter than zombies right now? There have been numerous incarnations of Grundy through the history of DC comics, but he’s usually a big, oafish, henchman type. For Arrow, I can see a Halloween themed episode, with Grundy terrorizing the citizens of Starling City. Sounds good, right?

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