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The 10 Most Significant Easter Eggs Of Daredevil Season 2

Apart from the great drama, Daredevil’s first season was a real treat for comics fans as it was stuffed full of references to the character's source material. Everything from the gritty acclaimed work of Frank Miller to the Matt Murdock's wackier early days were nodded to in the series.

2) The Punisher And The Blacksmith

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Punisher 9

The drug dealer known as the Blacksmith, who is responsible for the death of Frank’s family, is an original character, although he shares his name with a bunch of unrelated individuals from Marvel history, including an alien Skrull. It is revealed to be Colonel Schoonover – whose name is a nod to comics artist Brent Schoonover.

In case you are wondering, the nursery rhyme Frank repeats throughout the season is made up for the show. Some have suggested that it reflects the change in Hell’s Kitchen’s problems. In season one, there was only one big threat, Wilson Fisk, while now there’s both the Punisher and the Hand. One Batch, Two Batch, Penny and Dime, geddit?

At the end of the series, Frank torches his family’s home – but not before recovering a disc labelled ‘Micro.’ This is the name of Frank’s tech-savvy associate in the comics (he was already referenced as a hacktivist friend of Skye’s on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.). So expect to see him in The Punisher’s rumoured spinoff show.