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DC TV Roundup: A Week Marked By Returns

While Marvel and DC battle to see who wins at the box office, it’s virtually inarguable that it's the latter who dominates the small screen. Now having taken over four nights of the week when it comes to prime time programming, serialized superhero storytelling has swiftly become a cornerstone in the lives of many a geek these days.

4) Don’t Call Him Joker

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One of the most memorable moments on any DC TV show this week had to be Mark Hamill’s welcome return to The Flash, regardless of its brevity. Having played a variety of incarnations of both The Joker and The Trickster since 1990, it isn’t hard to figure out why he holds a special place in the hearts of so many fans.

Since reprising his role as the latter on The Flash, it became quite obvious from the start that this version of Trickster was written more like the Joker, with Hamill obviously using his now infamous character voice that was once exclusive to the Clown Prince of Crime. It’s as if the producers said, “hey, Mark, use your Joker voice when playing Trickster. We doubt a single fan will complain.”

Despite his short-lived cameo as Earth-3’s Trickster (who looked very much like The Jokester, Earth-3’s version of Joker in the comics), this will no doubt live on in the minds of many because it’s probably the closest thing we’ll get to seeing Hamill portray the Ace of Knaves in live action.