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DC/Archie TV Roundup: Luthors Deliver Great TV, Arrow Gets Socially Conscious

While Marvel and DC battle to see who wins at the box office, it’s virtually inarguable that it's the latter who dominates the small screen. Now having taken over four nights of the week when it comes to prime time programming, serialized superhero storytelling has swiftly become a cornerstone in the lives of many a geek these days.

3) Geraldine Grundy, Exposed On A Thursday

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Was anyone else surprised that the Archie-Miss Grundy affair ended this early in the season? Well, I know I was.

From the start, Riverdale showed us all that it wasn’t afraid to push the envelope and head in directions the comic books didn’t. And despite any fan backlash that may have occurred, this “Hot for Teacher” scenario was handled surprisingly well.

Like I said, I was expecting things to go differently because I kind of got the impression that Archie’s dad was attracted to Grundy, but maybe it’s for the best that they didn’t go that route because getting sloppy seconds after your teenage son is a level of awkwardness this series may not want to achieve. But, then again, this is the same show that had everyone rushing to Urban Dictionary last week in order to find out what a “sticky maple” was.

Long story short, Betty did some serious sleuthing and uncovered Grundy’s real ID and a gun in her car, foolishly getting her fingerprints on the latter (what if it had been used to shoot Mr. Burns?!). After learning the music teacher assumed a new identity to escape an abusive husband, it seemed like her and Archie were about to part on good terms before Archie’s dad and Betty’s mom got involved and, before you knew it, Grundy was forced to leave town in secret disgrace.