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Did ‘Survivor’ legend Boston Rob win ‘Deal or No Deal Island?’

Did he become a two-franchise champion?

Image via NBC

Former Survivor winner and arguable face of the franchise, “Boston Rob” Mariano, brought his reality competition prowess to a new show, Deal or No Deal Island. So, how did the “Robfather” fair on NBC’s newest work, and did he snag the seven-figure grand prize? Spoilers ahead!

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Premiering in February and based on the game show Deal or No Deal, a crop of contestants flew to the Banker’s “private island.” The players had characteristics challenged in every episode, like their tenacity and trustworthiness, in an effort to declare themselves the Banker’s ultimate opponent

Contestants were slowly eliminated until the final episode when only four of 13 remained. Among them was Boston Rob.

But, sadly for his fans, he didn’t take it all the way. The Survivor legend was eliminated in episode 12 and placed fourth overall. However, although he didn’t become a two-franchise champion, Boston Rob found plenty of success on Deal or No Deal Island and stole most of the spotlight throughout his run.

In a game that rewarded challenge victors immunity, the man known for flexing his competitive might was the winningest player ahead of finale night. He won four daily challenges in episodes 2, 3, 6, and 7, which kept him out of the line of fire and safe from the “Night Owls” alliance’s wrath.

Rob dueled the Banker in episode 4 after losing the challenge. Amy McCoy selected him to square off with the faceless moneyman, and the reality TV star finished the Deal or No Deal game by making a good deal with the Banker. Harnessing the power to eliminate, he sent his No. 1 rival, Kim Mattina, home to Arizona.

He also insulated himself with key allies, including his closest companion, Aron Barbell.

As mentioned, Rob was at the top of the Night Owl’s hit list. The alliance featured Amy, Stephanie Mitchell, Nick Grasso, Dawson Addison, and later, Jordan Fowler, and they all recognized the Survivor champ as the biggest threat on Deal or No Deal Island. Nevertheless, the Bostonian staved off elimination until the last episode.

Jordan, Amy, Stephanie, and Rob made up the final four, and that’s when Rob’s campaign to win the final case wrapped. In a challenge designed to cut the players from four to two, contestants were tasked with a number puzzle before navigating a maze to locate a briefcase. Per the edit, host Joe Manganiello clearly stated before the challenge that the last player who exited the maze would be instantly eliminated. Then, whoever had the lowest valued case would follow them. Further, the host said that if anyone cheated by looking at another player’s answer, consequences would be had.

Well, Boston Rob apparently tuned the latter part out, and he peaked at Amy’s answer after she solved the equation. Joe halted the challenge and hit Rob with a major penalty — he was forced to sit on the sidelines until three minutes after the third person (Jordan) entered the maze.

The infraction proved to be game-ending.

Although Joe eventually released him, Rob’s effort in the maze wasn’t enough as Jordan, Stephanie, and finally Amy returned with a case before him. The final episode began on a cliffhanger featuring Rob and Amy racing for the final spot outside the maze. But, although the edit made it seem like the two were close, Boston Rob confirmed on Rob Has a Podcast that Amy had a sizeable lead on him. He also admitted that the producers were clear about the no-peaking rule ahead of the challenge starting, but his Survivor instincts took over and he attempted to earn an edge over his competition — castaways are allowed to look at other players’ puzzles during Survivor challenges. Rob also said that the penalty was longer than three minutes.

Boston Rob firmly believes he would’ve won Deal or No Deal Island

Rob’s blunder is something he’s had to accept since departing the Banker’s private island. And what likely makes stomaching it harder is knowing what the final challenge was. Jordan and Amy faced off in a head-to-head excursion where they had to balance with ropes and small pedestals in a race to grab the final case.

Jordan won, cementing her place in front of the Banker, later revealed to be Deal or No Deal’s longtime host Howie Mandel. She ultimately secured a deal worth $1,230,000.

Well, when Rob spoke with TV Insider, he emphatically stated that he would’ve triumphed in the final challenge and became the Banker’s last opponent. “Easily, I would have won easily,” Boston Rob said. “Yeah, I’ve played hockey my entire life. I’m really good at balance, and I truly believe I would have been able to do that easily. So, also tough to watch.”

Regardless, Boston Rob showed up on Deal or No Deal Island in a big way and is credited by many online as the reason they tuned into NBC’s newest reality competition show.