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Doctor Who EP Says Season 13 Will Release As Soon As Possible

After a long wait, we're merely two days away from Doctor Who's Holiday Special episode, "Revolution of the Daleks," though the crew is already hard at work filming Jodie Whittaker's next season as the 13th incarnation of the titular character. 

Doctor Who

After a long wait, we’re merely two days away from Doctor Who‘s Holiday Special episode, “Revolution of the Daleks,” though the crew is already hard at work filming Jodie Whittaker’s next season as the 13th incarnation of the titular character.

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The COVID-19 pandemic and its numerous effects on the work environment have had estimable ramifications for the film and television industries. Not only have there been major delays to most blockbuster productions, but a lot of studios also had to halt shooting on their TV shows to avoid an outbreak on set. The BBC’s long-standing sci-fi series was no exception in this regard, but pushbacks aren’t the only thing that Whovians have to come to terms with. As you may already know, the producers recently announced that the upcoming season 13 will only yield 8 episodes, as opposed to the usual 11, due to the current restrictions.

Still, that shouldn’t dishearten diehard fans, as showrunner Chris Chibnall has just revealed in a talk with Entertainment Weekly that the next chapter in the story of the 13th will include some exciting adventures, saying: “We’ve got lots of new characters, new monsters, some old ones coming back.” As for when the show makes a return, here’s what he had to share:

“I’ve got an idea. As soon as we finish it, I promise we’ll put it on telly straight away.”

We’ll have to hold Chibnall to his word, though since they’ve barely begun, it’ll be a while before filming comes to a wrap on all blocks. Besides, social distancing laws and other restrictions obviously pose a challenge to the conventional process. The executive producer touched on the subject as well, explaining the following:

“We’re only a few weeks in. We’re obviously having to work in a very different way, under COVID protocols. So, it’s not without its challenges but every series of Doctor Who has had its challenges. At the moment, everybody’s smiling and what we’ve got so far is really thrilling.”

Hopefully, and with a steady momentum, Doctor Who season 13 will premiere sometime in 2021. Until then, though, be sure to check out the upcoming Holiday Special later this week.