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Doctor Who’s Christopher Eccleston Plays The Doctor Again For Fan’s Wedding Video

Infamously, Christopher Eccleston has been keen to stay away from Doctor Who since he left the show behind after just one season as the Ninth Doctor in 2005. For instance, he was offered the chance to reprise his role for 2013's 50th anniversary special, "The Day of the Doctor", but turned it down - with the hitherto-unknown War Doctor played by John Hurt created in his place.

Infamously, Christopher Eccleston has been keen to stay away from Doctor Who since he left the show behind after just one season as the Ninth Doctor in 2005. For instance, he was offered the chance to reprise his role for 2013’s 50th anniversary special, “The Day of the Doctor,” but turned it down, with the hitherto-unknown War Doctor played by John Hurt created in his place.

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Though his problems with the leadership on the sci-fi series have stopped him from donning his leather jacket and picking up his sonic screwdriver again, you can’t accuse Eccleston of not caring for his fans. The actor recently made a rare convention appearance at this summer’s London Film and Comic-Con and now, he’s gone one better by filming a video for a fan’s wedding. And he did it in character as the Doctor!

“That’s just typical,” Eccleston jokes, as he kicks off the video. “You fall in love, you get married, you’re really happy, and me, the Doctor, who’s saved the universe god knows how many times, doesn’t get an invite. Doesn’t. Get. An invite. Typical of you apes, isn’t it?” he comments, referencing the Ninth Doctor’s tendency to call human beings apes when he’s mad.

The star gave a more heartfelt message as he signed off the video, too, saying: “My two hearts are beating as one for you today. Congratulations on your wedding day, and I won’t be there in the blue box, but I will be there in spirit.” The only thing that’s missing is a quick re-do of his old catchphrase: “Fantastic!”

Of course, this isn’t the only great video that Eccleston gifted the internet this year. At his aforementioned LFCC appearance, he bumped into fellow Doctor Matt Smith and the pair had a hilarious meeting in front of a gaggle of fans, somewhat making up for the crossover that we were denied in “The Day of the Doctor.”

Does this mean that Eccleston’s attitude to Doctor Who is mellowing somewhat? And if so, could he be tempted to return opposite Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor? The pair are old colleagues, after all, but we’d best not get ahead of ourselves, even if it would be… fantastic.