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Does ‘Echo’ have post-credits scenes?

Marvel's latest addition to the MCU shows Maya Lopez getting to grips with her past, but is there a hidden Easter Egg at the end?

Image via Disney Plus

Warning: this article contains spoilers for Echo

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Phase 5 of the MCU has been famously, but in Echo the mega studio has shown that the project may yet be salvageable.

Although there are elements of the usual Marvel showmanship, the production is a little more grounded, and for many has taken the sort of tone that was expected of the much more hyped, but ultimately disappointing, Secret Invasion.

While it’s clear how Echo connects to Hawkeye and Daredevil, some might be wondering if there are more clues in the show about its wider place in the MCU. Previously, Marvel writers and showrunners have added these connections via post-credits scenes, which not only link characters together in unique ways, but also reward viewers for their patience (although, sometimes they seem to go nowhere).

So, is the latest MCU effort any different? And if there is a bonus scene at the end, what does it mean?

Does Echo have post-credits scenes?

Wilson Fisk/Kingpin watches from the back seat of a car in the 'Echo' trailer.
Screenshot via Marvel Studios/Disney Plus

Yes, Echo has a post-credits scene. The five-episode season ends with Kingpin failing to bring Echo under his wing, and retreating to his jet to fly back to New York.

The post-credits scene takes place on his private plane. While discussing his plans with an assistant, the business leader and criminal mastermind sees a television report about the chaos that is New York’s mayoral election. Although it isn’t confirmed, it is heavily implied that Fisk is set to enter the race, possibly giving him his own show.

Fans of the comics will know that there’s an entire (and beloved) Mayor Fisk storyline in the Dardevil graphic novels, so this isn’t the most surprising news. However, it’s still exciting, and only adds to Marvel’s history of hype-inducing post-credits scenes.