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Extended Look At Restless Starring Michelle Dockery & Charlotte Rampling

This week The Sundance Channel will premiere the first episode of a new English two-part miniseries, titled Restless, staring Michelle Dockery and Charlotte Rampling, and today we have an extended look at the miniseries.

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This week The Sundance Channel will premiere the first episode of the upcoming two-part miniseries titled Restless, starring Michelle Dockery and Charlotte Rampling. Today, we have an extended look at the miniseries, which you can check out below.

The series is based on the bestselling novel by William Boyd and centres around a young woman (Dockery) who finds out that her mother (Gambling) was a British Secret Service Spy in World War II and has been on the run ever since. The series cuts between the present and the War, where Captain America star Hayley Atwell takes on the younger version of Gambling’s character.

The video below shows off some behind the scenes footage as well as a couple scenes from the series itself. From the looks of it, Restless seems like a very intriguing and intellectual piece with a stellar cast that also includes Rufus Sewells and Michael Gambon.

The past few years has seen some amazing miniseries out of Britain with shows like Jekyll and State Of Play receiving massive critical success. Restless looks like it will follow suit. Hopefully the series will also boost the growing career of the now Emmy nominated Michelle Dockery, who is gathering a lot of attention from her starring role in the popular U.K. series Downton Abbey.

Restless airs on December 7 & 14 on The Sundance Channel at 9pm.

Check out the extended look below.