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Marvel Says Ghost Rider TV Show Will Be Mature Like Daredevil

Though Marvel TV has been going through its share of woes recently, what with the complete cancellation of the Netflix corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, they do have an impressive slate of programming for various outlets that they're currently working on. The most prolific is, perhaps, the Ghost Rider series, which is set to air on Hulu.

Ghost Rider

Though Marvel TV has been going through its fair share of woes recently, what with the complete and shocking cancellation of the Netflix corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, they do have an impressive slate of programming for various outlets that they’re currently working on. The most prolific of the bunch is, perhaps, the Ghost Rider series, which is set to air on Hulu.

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During a recent interview, the studio’s TV head Jeph Loeb shed some light on the intentions behind the show, stating that it was never meant for a slot on ABC and was always going to be more mature in nature, much like Daredevil.

Loeb elaborated further on their plans as well, saying the following:

I know, you bugged us about it. But no, we never intended for it to be on ABC because we wanted to do a show that was more mature. Look, it has the weight in the best way that there had been a Daredevil movie, so that when there was a Daredevil television show, people knew the name. There was a lot of weight that came with the Daredevil movie that we had to shake off and prove ourselves that we could make a television show that became what it was. The good news is people love Gabe, people love the way that character works, the feature film levels special effects – and the part that’s really exciting is we’ll push it further. It will have a little fun that folks will really dig.

Gabriel Luna, who can next be seen as one of the villainous Terminators in Tim Miller’s Terminator: Dark Fate, originally took on the role as a part of ABC’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. And while he’s been brought back on board to play the Spirit of Vengeance once again, it’s not clear yet whether the part will tie into his previous portrayal.

Regardless of what happens, it’s good that the creative team behind the production are going to give the character the gritty take he deserves. After all, it’s clear that a Ghost Rider show wouldn’t be able to cut loose the way it would need to on network television. Fingers crossed though that audiences don’t have to see him peeing fire again. There are some things you just can’t un-see.

Tell us, are you excited to see the Sprit of Vengeance ride once more? As always, you can share your thoughts with us in the usual place down below.