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Has anyone ever won ‘Big Brother’ after being evicted that same season?

Has any lost then won on the US version of "Big Brother"?

Image via CBS

Just because houseguests love telling host Julie Chen Moonves, how exquisite she looks during a live eviction episode on Big Brother doesn’t mean they want to walk out the front door and meet her that night.

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Typically, when a houseguest is evicted from the reality competition show, their game ends, and they head to one of two places. Either the ousted contestant returns home or, if they’ve made it far enough in the battle for the six-figure grand prize, they reside in the Jury. However, there have been instances in the two-decade-long series of evicted players returning to the game that season.

Whether it was through another houseguest using advantage or America voting to give a fan favorite another shot at reality TV glory, several contestants’ games have been resurrected.

But have any of them won after making a comeback?

Although these players have received a second lease on life, none of them have used it to win the entire game. Some have gotten close, but it’s never happened. And for a lot of Big Brother purists, that’s a good thing.

Jag Bains was evicted early in ‘Big Brother 25,’ and he’s still pursuing the $750,000 check

The rest of this article contains spoilers for ‘Big Brother 25,’ including what’s been shown on the live feeds since Oct. 26’s live eviction episode.

This article’s question is highly relevant at the time of this writing, and that’s because of Jagateshwar “Jag” Bains’ run on Big Brother 25. Jag sat next to Blue Kim during week 4’s eviction and was unanimously voted out.

But, before he left the house, Julie revealed the Power of Invincibility had saved him and that his eviction had been nullified. Jag later found out Matt Klotz secretly won and used the advantage.

Well, fast forward nine weeks, and Jag has a definitive stranglehold on the house. There are only five players left, and on Saturday, he notched his sixth Power of Veto win, guaranteeing himself a spot in the final four.

Jag has proven himself to be the best competition player remaining, and he’s locked into a trio alliance with Matt and Bowie Jane Ball. With both players pledging to take him to the final two, Jag’s chances of sitting in front of the Jury come finale night are high.

Will he be victorious? That’s another question. He’s won the most competitions of the season, which includes the slew of Vetos and two Head of Household reigns, and his social game has allowed him to build an unwavering alliance with Matt and Bowie Jane. But, he was already evicted weeks ago — before any of the jurors — and it’s unclear how much stock the seven of them will put into that.

We haven’t seen a previously eliminated player win, but it’s happened in other franchises, like when Chris Underwood won Survivor: Edge of Extinction. So, we might be in store for some Big Brother US history in less than two weeks.