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‘I guess blood is not thicker than water’: Jared Fields reveals his deepest darkest secret to Blue Kim on the ‘Big Brother 25’ live feeds

What will Blue do now that she knows that Jared is connected to a 'Survivor' legend?

Big Brother 25
Screengrab via CBS

If you have been keeping up with season 25 of Big Brother, you would know that the beloved competition series has a surprise hidden within the house that none of the contestants (with the exception of Izzy Gleicher) are aware of.

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Not only did four-time Survivor legend Cirie Fields show up to the Big Brother house (also known as Sound Stage 18 at CBS Studios in Los Angeles) as an unexpected 17th houseguest, but she is also the mother of fellow houseguest, Jared Fields.

While Jared entered the Big Brother house with the intention of keeping his relationship with his mother under wraps, it looks like love may have clouded his judgment.

If you are an avid live feed watcher, you would know that the 25-year-old seems to have really hit it off with the stunning Blue Kim, making it extra hard to keep things a secret due to their undeniable connection — it looks like they tell each other everything!

Unfortunately for both Jared and Cirie, today was the day that he accidentally (or maybe purposely) spilled the beans…


Today (August 27), the Big Brother live feeds caught a conversation between Jared and Blue that seems to have occurred just moments after revealing that Cirie is his mom:

Blue: “Really? You’re not lying? That’s your thing, and you decided to tell me now?”

Jared: “Why wouldn’t I? Why, I had to tell you earlier?”

Blue: “No. I’m saying you made such a big deal about it, and now you just tell me… Promise?”

Jared: “Promise what? That it’s the truth?”

Blue: “Yeah… Promise?”

Jared: “I don’t gotta promise. If you don’t believe me, you don’t believe me. I’m telling you.”

Blue: “Why would that affect me?”

Jared: “Because if you found out that my mom was in this game, you would feel as if like, ‘Okay. Maybe I need to do something about that.'”

In the comment section of Big Brother Pop‘s YouTube video, many Big Brother fans criticized Jared for his messy gameplay, with some even accusing him of having some ulterior motives (such as wanting to keep the cash prize for himself):

“Jared wants that money for himself. He knows if his Mom wins he is not getting 50-50. He just blew up both their games. Blue will probably whisper it in someone’s ear on her way out,” @ForeverEclectic wrote.

“He doesn’t know who he is without his mommy’s legacy,” @nikkis8102 wrote.

“Jared is a loose cannon. Oh my god. He jeopardized his and Cirie’s game. Oh my gosh. When people start to fall in love, their brain shuts down. I can’t believe it… Wait for the moment Cirie finds out,” @slytv4352 wrote.

“I think this is the beginning of the end of Blue, Jared and Cirie’s games,” @casmatori wrote.

“It’s been obvious that he’s not good for her game. But wow… I couldn’t do that to my mom… especially knowing that it could turn the entire house against her. Cirie already had a target on her back from the beginning. I don’t see how she is not next on the block after this,” @Elnerist wrote.

Based on this clip alone, it looks like Jared blew up his game, as well as his mother’s game — yikes!

On the contrary, many Big Brother fans think Jared is in the clear (at least we hope so) due to a little fib.

In the comment section of the same YouTube video, some avid live feed watchers shared that Jared did not expose the full truth to his in-house lover, saying that his mother was fellow houseguest Felicia Cannon instead.

“Apparently, he told her its Felicia or rather, Blue guessed Felicia and Jared went with it. So now he’s lying on who his actual mother is if you were gonna reveal the secret #Unreal,” @ce7768 wrote.

“Jared told Blue that his mother is Mrs. Felicia, not Cirie!!,” @voneenpryce5119 wrote.

“I hope he said Felicia. If he said Cirie and sold her out, he’d better change his last name,” @AGJ117 wrote.

While we have yet to find any actual proof of this happening, our fingers are crossed that Jared kept his mother-son relationship with Cirie a secret, for the sake of both of their games.

Nonetheless, he should have just kept his mouth shut — it will be hard to keep up this lie, especially since Felicia is out of the loop…

Will Blue expose her significant other’s deepest darkest secret? To watch the aftermath of the bomb Jared dropped in the Big Brother house, tune in to CBS on Sundays and Wednesdays at 8pm ET/PT, as well as Thursdays at 9pm ET/PT. For even more behind-the-scenes content, be sure to check out the live feeds on Paramount Plus so you don’t miss a thing.