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Is Rick Grimes dead in ‘The Walking Dead?’

Is the original protagonist still kicking?

rick grimes the walking dead
Photo via AMC

Whether it’s the television series or comics, Rick Grimes is the main protagonist representing the zombie-filled apocalyptic franchise. But, did he die in The Walking Dead? Let’s get into it — and of course, there are spoilers ahead!

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As many die-hard fans know, Grimes’ fate is completely different in the TV show compared to the comics. He’s alive in the television universe but was killed off in the comic world.

Grimes, played by Andrew Lincoln, led The Walking Dead’s cast for nine seasons and was the series lead since its premiere in 2010. Whether it was aiding in ending the ruthless reign of The Governor or silencing his best friend, Shane Walsh, Grimes was the focal point of the television series for eight years. But, his time on The Walking Dead proper ended in season 9′ s fifth episode, “What Comes After,” which aired in November 2018.

Protecting the communities he helped build, Grimes halted a horde of walkers by blowing up a bridge. However, he was caught up in the explosion while his companions watched in horror. Unbeknownst to them, a still-alive Grimes floated down a river and was saved by Anne (Jadis), who had him whisked off in a helicopter and off the show.

The cast moved forward without Grimes as the lead until the series wrapped after season 11. His girlfriend Michonne and best friend Daryl Dixon spent years searching for his body. And because of Michonne’s efforts, a spin-off was born. She eventually found evidence of Grimes’ survival — his boots and a portrait of her and Judith (Grimes’ daughter) — and embarked on a journey to locate her love. In 2024, The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live premiered, and the six-episode run followed the reconnection of Grimes and Michonne.

It turned out Grimes had been taken in by the Civic Republic Military and wasn’t allowed to leave. He attempted to escape several times but to no avail. That’s why he never came back to The Walking Dead. Still, the two eventually reunited and after a slew of ups and downs in trying to return to their community, they ultimately did and Rick was reunited with Judith and the son he never met, RJ. So, Grimes is very much alive in the television universe.

But, that’s not the case in Robert Kirkman’s comics.

Grimes dies in issue No. 192, “Aftermath.” He was shot several times in his room by Sebastian Milton of the Commonwealth. In the television series, Milton and the Commonwealth are part of the final arc, but Grimes isn’t. However, in the comics he is, and he ultimately dies in The Walking Dead’s penultimate issue. Sebastian was eventually caught and sentenced to life in prison, but not before he delivered the most shocking moment of the comic series.

So, is Rick Grimes dead? Yes, and no.