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Jennifer Aniston And Reese Witherspoon Comment On Cancel Culture, Fake News, And Friendship

Jennifer Anniston and Reese Witherspoon had a lot to talk about in a recent interview.

Apple TV premiered its rocky and intriguing series The Morning Show in November of 2019 to audiences eager to see their take on the world of journalism and the television show business. The series quickly impacted viewers in the middle of movements happening in our lives that were reflected on the series, too.

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The synopsis for the series follows the men and women who wake the nation every morning and the often tumultuous relationships they experience behind the scenes. There’s more to the smiling faces and perfectly manicured existence of the personas they display.

There are allegations of sexual assault, betrayal, contract negotiations that bring out the worst in people, and a toxic work culture that sends characters into a spiral. The all-star cast gave their all to their roles, and we can’t help but think that part of that is because of the times we’re in now.

Season 2 of The Morning Show just began airing on Apple TV, and Jennifer Anniston and Reese Witherspoon sat down to talk about the upcoming season of the series with CNA Lifestyle.

Discussing their bond on and off the series, Witherspoon had this to say about working with Anniston.

“I want people to know that she is genuinely the kindest, nicest person that you think she is. And she’s the most inspiring, supportive friend that you could possibly imagine, and every day that I get to be with her and be in her light, is just a true blessing because I laugh harder than I ever do.”

Anniston went on to say this about her co-star and co-producer.

“She inspires me on a daily basis. She’s blazing trails for women, young women. And that is unbelievable and it’s extraordinary. (Her) kids must be so proud. I mean, just even imagine that – I get to sit back and watch what she does. And it gets me inspired. Really, I love that. I love that we get to have what we get to share what she’s so good at doing.”

Witherspoon said what they’ve accomplished together is something beautiful that she is incredibly proud of.

“I really feel proud that we got to make this show together because it’s important and it’s meaningful; it doesn’t work without our shared leadership. Women together create incredible, powerful partnerships. And I hope that’s part of the legacy we leave behind with this show – that we did it together.”

Anniston went on to talk about a line within the series that her character says regarding the price of fame and that she agrees with that wholeheartedly. There is a price to putting yourself out there, and she says that people can change how they feel about you rather quickly.

“You put yourself out there as an artist… It’s become a sport for people, to decide how they feel about a different person this week or the following week, or what they’ve said, or if something was said out of context. It’s a lot more than just, ‘we’re going to perform for you and we’re going to create a show so that you can be entertained’. Now, there’s the ability to tap all parts of you.”

Witherspoon added that success could feel very empty if it doesn’t have a purpose or meaning. Many people run to get somewhere and don’t really realize that once they’re there, it’s not all they hoped it would be.

“Success without meaning or purpose is really difficult – it can feel very empty, and I think there’s a lot of people who have achieved a lot and they’re unhappy – we all know them. Sometimes you’re running a race to a place and you get there, and you think, ‘What am I doing here?’”

The pair gave their response to debunking fake news and questioning if there’s anything they’d like to clear up as far as rumors about themselves. Anniston joked and asked how much time was left in the interview. She went on to say that it’s much more productive to live in the truth.

“It’s a much healthier place to not live in misinformation and try to battle it and correct it and stamp out fires and plug up all the holes in the canoe because it’ll be gone by tomorrow.”

Witherspoon had a hilarious reaction to what stories really register for her and which do not; she only pays attention if her mother calls her about it.

You can now see Anniston and Witherspoon in the Apple TV series, The Morning Show‘s season 2.