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Jersey Shore Review: “Toxic Shots Syndrome/Blues, Balls And Brawls” (Season 6, Episodes 3&4)

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Just like theĀ  good old grindhouse, we’ve got two showing tonight, and the second episode promises a much more explosive experience akin to the earlier seasons of Jersey Shore. Already in the opening, there’s another awkward moment between Vinny and Jionni. Those two are locked into an epicly pointless battle, and one of them needs to man up and speak to the other. Snooki, meanwhile, is starting to get worried about Jionni’s trip to Miami without her.

Back at the house, MVP see a girl flashing them from the boardwalk and get the rest of the gang to go see her. They invite her up to the house, and Pauly and Vinny get her number. She looks like a crackhead, but at least she’s funny. When everyone’s back inside, Vinny reveals that he’s choosing to be celibate because he met a girl back home, leaving Pauly to be the only officially single person left in the house.

Jenni is planning a surprise birthday party for Roger, which of the rest of the gang helps to set up. Once it’s all ready, though, Roger ends up being late to his own party. Everybody gets a little pissy, but Roger shows up just in time to make things worse by being a total jerk to Jenni. What a sweet, loving couple. Luckily, everybody else has a good time riding bulls, dancing like pregnant chicks, and being generally stupid.

The next day at work, Snooki isn’t feeling her best, and Mike tries to help her out. Of course, she’s still resisting him, and he starts getting frustrated about her holding a grudge. They have it out in an argument and Mike leaves the store in a huff again. On the next shift, Deena insists that her and Danny have a day together, so they hit the boardwalk and do a little bit of everything. However, once the rest of the gang shows up, Danny slips out the door, leaving them to do what they do best.

The group starts getting ready to head to the club (except for Snooki of course), and about 3/4 of them are drunk off their rocks by that point. At the club, Mike finds out he has his own stalker – some creepy foreign guy. Mike asks one of his friends to help him take care of this guy, so he tells him to leave Mike alone. The stalker gets confrontational and starts a fight between him and the friend. But right after that fight ends, a huge brawl begins in the middle of the club. Nobody knows who or what started it, but everybody gets involved, especially Roger. As Jenni tries to calm him down, he promptly grabs her and throws her hard to the ground.

Well that’s a heartwarming way to end an episode. Nothing like a little abuse to use as a cliffhanger for next week’s episode of Jersey Shore. Tonight’s double dose of episodes gave us a helping of both the new attitude the show has taken on as well as the old habits that the group occasionally falls back into. Although it’s good to see everybody start moving on, it’s even better to see that they’re still just a little rambunctious.

Be sure to check back next week for our review of Jersey Shore!