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Jesse Goes To War In This Promo For Next Week’s Episode Of Preacher

If you thought Jesse Custer was going to see the error of his ways after sending poor Eugene to Hell (literally) during the climax of last week's episode of Preacher, think again. Last night's instalment, "He Gone", saw the not-so-good reverend seemingly happy to go about his day without giving it a second thought - though it was evident that some guilt was buried beneath the surface.

If you thought Jesse Custer was going to see the error of his ways after sending poor Eugene to Hell (literally) during the climax of last week’s episode of Preacher, think again. Last night’s instalment, “He Gone,” saw the not-so-good reverend seemingly happy to go about his day without giving it a second thought – though it was evident that some guilt was buried beneath the surface.

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Cassidy spots this and appeals to the Preacher’sĀ better nature to do something to save the lad – but when it becomes clear that Jesse doesn’t want to hear it, the vampire takes some very drastic measures to reach his friend and steps into the sun, instantly burning himself to a crisp. Custer had a fire extinguisher to hand, but we don’t get to find out whether he used it to extinguish Cass before the end of the episode.

That’s not revealed in the promo for next week’s outing either, but what we do get a glimpse of is Odin Quincannon and a whole lot of his well-armed men making their way to the church for a showdown. Of course, Jesse could easily just use the voice to make ’em skedaddle, but the teaser hints that he may be forced to relinquish his power in order to free Eugene from Hell.

Be sure to tune in this Sunday for what promises to be one of the most intense episodes of Preacher yet.