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New Jessica Jones Season 2 Pic Surfaces As Showrunner Promises A Deep Dive Into The Titular Defender

Marvel's private eye is back on the case in this all-new action shot for Jessica Jones season 2, which airs via Netflix on March 8th.

She’s back.

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Proving that the wardrobe of Marvel’s Jessica Jones starts and ends with one ragged old outfit, Empire has premiered a new action shot for the upcoming second season in which Krysten Ritter’s Defender can be seen sporting her trusty leather jacket and jeans ensemble. Stop the presses!

Fashion aside, this is an intriguing peek at Marvel and Melissa Rosenberg’s follow-up, as it places Jessica Jones beyond the confines of Hell’s Kitchen (and David Tennant’s Kilgrave, perhaps?). Presumably stranded, she puts her superhuman strength to good use, easily lifting an overturned vehicle while keeping one eye on the horizon. Is Jessica being pursued by the law? Or someone (something?) more sinister?

Have a gander at Empire’s first-look still for yourself, and be sure to leave your own thoughts and speculation via the comments section.

On a more general note, series showrunner Melissa Rosenberg told Empire that season 2 is all about presenting a deep dive of Jessica Jones as a character – both the whip-smart detective and the wounded survivor who’s clearly still reeling from the psychological effects of Kilgrave.

We’re always digging deeper into Jessica’s character and this season we’re peeling back even more layers, revealing more about the experiences that have shaped her present-day life.

Though the excellent first season of Jessica Jones brought an end to Tennant’s super-villain, it seems Kilgrave has some unfinished business to attend to – either that, or Jones still has trouble exorcizing her demons. She is a borderline alcoholic, too, as evidenced from her brief stint on The Defenders, so we simply can’t wait to revisit what is arguably the most flawed, complex, and downright fascinating character on Marvel’s TV lineup. March 8th is the date for your diaries.