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‘Knock it off’: Claudia claps back at ‘Boston Rob’ for the naughty word he called her on ‘Deal or No Deal Island’

She wasn't impressed.

Image via NBC

Rob Mariano is doing classic “Boston Rob” things on Deal or No Deal Island. But, one of his “soldiers,” Claudia Jordan, didn’t appreciate being deemed a peon in his campaign toward the Banker’s final showdown.

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Boston Rob, a former Survivor winner and franchise legend, joined the cast of 13 embarking on a journey to win the inaugural season of NBC’s newest reality competition show. Through three episodes, the “Robfather” has maintained a stranglehold on the game by winning two of three excursions and converting ally after ally.

Well, during episode 3 — which aired on March 11 — Boston Rob picked up his second consecutive challenge win. But, it was because Claudia stepped up for him and told Stephanie Mitchell to steal her case and not his, ensuring the ex-Deal or No Deal model was in the bottom two and in harm’s way of the Banker.

During a confessional after Claudia’s eventual game-ending decision, Boston Rob called himself the general and Claudia and Aron Barbell his soldiers. As the leader, he said he could hang out on the sidelines while his followers got blood on their hands. Well, Claudia eventually faced off against the Banker and was unable to lock in a good deal, leading to her instant elimination.

Entertainment Weekly caught up with Claudia and she was asked about Rob’s comment. And she shot him down, to say the least.

“Rob, knock it off,” Claudia said. “I was not one of your soldiers. I was an ally. Don’t disrespect your ally. I had your back. I actually saved you. And if it wasn’t for what I did, you would’ve been gone. Well, you could have been gone. So I thought that was a little bit of arrogance, but okay, you’re giving me good TV. I’m going to give you a pass on that, Rob.”

Rob and Claudia stood side by side in episode 3 opposite Kim Mattina. Kim’s direct boot of Jamil Sipes and what Claudia considered shady gameplay (sneaking around at night and eavesdropping on other players), put them at odds with each other. Ultimately, Kim got the last laugh over Claudia as she remained in the game, and the latter flew back home to the United States.

Regardless, Claudia is happy she aligned herself with the Bostonian, a notorious reality TV villain. In the end, Claudia’s willingness to take bullets for her squad led to her game’s demise, not the Robfather.

“People in my comments are like, ‘You didn’t know how Boston Rob is’ and ‘You shouldn’t have been loyal to anyone. And especially him,'” she continued.

“I’m like: No, I feel good about how I carry myself. I like the guy. Even if he said his little soldier and general comment, I still like him. I really do. I respect him. I feel like he’s good at what he does. And to be good at what you do in these kind of situations, you kind of have to be a little bit selfish. And that’s something that I struggle with, and I wish I could actually learn to be a little bit more selfish sometimes. I’m too much of a team player, actually.”

Boston Rob is down a solid ally in Claudia. But, he still has a handful of “soldiers” remaining on Deal or No Deal Island. And they’re champing at the bit to kick Kim off the Banker’s private island, right behind her nemesis.