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Latest Fantasy News: Petition to remove ‘The Witcher’ creative team reaches 150K signatures as a critically lambasted fantasy prequel leaps for streaming glory

Apparently, Liam Hemsworth's selection wasn't a snap decision.

the witcher henry cavill
Photo via Netflix

It would be absurd to think that the controversy surrounding Netflix’s decision to replace Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia with Liam Hemsworth from the fourth season of The Witcher onward is going to die down any time soon. If anything, fans are even more outraged now that they’ve had a while to process the news, and they aren’t backing down from wanting to restore their rightful White Wolf come hell or high water.

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In other news, a fantasy prequel that anyone but the most ardent fans of the franchise would soon forget is once again testing its true merit on the streaming stage.

Here’s why Liam Hemsworth was the one to replace Henry Cavill as Geralt

Image via Gage Skidmore

We could bring ourselves around to accept the fact that Henry Cavill simply wasn’t getting along with The Witcher team, but who in their dazzling brilliance thought it was a good idea to choose Liam Hemsworth, of all people, to replace him after season three? Well, according to a new report by Redanian Intelligence — an outlet that has proven to know the comings and goings of The Witcher set better than its crew — the Hemsworth brother was always a top choice for Geralt.

With Henry Cavill out of the way, it only seemed natural to ask him back rather than go through the exhaustive process all over again. Not that the internet seems to approve of the choice, or the change, for that matter.

Rise of the Lycans rises to the most-watched streaming charts

underworld rise of the lycans
Image via Lakeshore Entertainment

Talk about an entry that highlighted why an already overbearing franchise that was hanging off its hinges is overstaying its welcome. Rise of the Lycans was supposed to be a breath of fresh air from Kate Beckinsale dressing like a goth millenial and crotch-slamming her enemies into oblivion, but the movie ended up being even more critically panned than the rest of the Underworld franchise.

The prequel was a box office bomb too and barring the fact that Lycans has somehow managed to cultivate a cult following over the years, it probably doesn’t have any business being in the top-watched streaming charts either. And yet that’s exactly what the movie has managed to accomplish after all these years. Never a dull moment in the age of streaming, eh?

The petition to remove The Witcher‘s creative team passes 150,000 signatures

Image via Netflix

Given just how much Henry Cavill loved The Witcher and its main protagonist Geralt, in particular, the internet simply can’t believe that the actor would just up and leave the show in mid-stride. And since he made it perfectly clear in the promo campaign for season 2 that he and the production crew didn’t get along — mostly because they didn’t see eye to eye as far as loyalty to the source material was concerned — the online community is now demanding that Netflix fire all those responsible for Cavill quitting and bring back the one true Geralt of Rivia.

The petition has just passed a whopping 150,000 signatures and is well on its way to reaching 200,000. The ball is in your court now, Netflix. As much as we love the man himself, there’s simply no way we can get used to Liam Hemsworth swinging that silver sword and cutting monsters — and humans, as often as not — as if he’s been the one doing it for the past couple of years.