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Latest Sci-Fi News: James Gunn is barred from touching one beloved DC property, but ‘Harry Potter’ and Netflix crossovers have fallen into his lap

As one door closes, yadda yadda...

james gunn
James Gunn at E3 2017. Christian Petersen/Getty Images

James Gunn must be like a kid in a candy store — or, more appropriately, a comic book store — now that he’s been given the keys to the entire DC multiverse and can pretty much make whatever movies and TV shows he wants to. Although that’s not strictly true, if he wants to keep the fans on his side, certain folks have some very strong feelings on which projects he should and shouldn’t touch. Elsewhere, Star Trek fans get answers on why yet another filmmaker has fled the franchise.

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DC fans are warning James Gunn not to touch the still-fresh corpse of a fan-favorite series…

james gunn
via DC

James Gunn has the whole DC universe at his fingertips to do with whatever he pleases, but DC fans are warning him not to dare reboot the characters from a beloved TV series they’re still freshly grieving. We just learned that HBO Max is cancelling both Titans and Doom Patrol, but one sacrilegious Redditor got shot down in flames when they pitched the idea of Gunn introducing new versions of the latter show’s quirky superhero team in the DCU. While it can’t be denied that Robot-Man, Crazy Jane, and co. would be right up Gunn’s street, maybe it would be best if we preserve the memory of the original series for a bit first.

… But he would be smart to greenlight this Harry Potter-esque project and get a Netflix crossover going

The Books of Magic
Image via DC Comics

While he might not want to touch Doom Patrol without angering the fanbase, James Gunn should instead turn his attention to another couple of less-obvious options for his universe that would nonetheless deliver some amazing results. First of all, in the wake of the Harry Potter franchise going down the toilet, Warner Bros. would be wise to finally adapt Neil Gaiman’s The Books of Magic — which is so similar J.K. Rowling has been accused of plagiarizing it — into live-action. Meanwhile, all the Constantine 2 confusion could be the perfect excuse for Gunn to unleash some crossovers with Netflix’s The Sandman series.

Matt Shakman explains why he abandoned Star Trek 4 in the Starfleet docking bay for Fantastic Four

star trek kelvin
via Paramount

You have to feel sorry for Star Trek 4, which has seen so many filmmakers come and go from its captain’s chair over the years. The latest to leave this accursed enterprise is WandaVision‘s Matt Shakman, who ultimately abandoned the film once Marvel offered him the job of directing its Fantastic Four reboot, firing photon torpedoes at fans’ dreams of seeing more of Chris Pine’s Kirk in the process. At least now he’s finally explained himself. Although, to be honest, it’s hard to blame him for jumping ship from a project that’s had more troubles than Tribbles for a guaranteed MCU success story.

As sure as Andor fans are gonna gush over their fave Star Wars series, another batch of the latest sci-fi news around will be beaming your way tomorrow.