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Looks Like We Might Have Our First Confirmed Cast Member For The Inhumans

As Marvel's The Inhumans TV series prepares to begin shooting in Hawaii this month, we may have uncovered our first cast member. We found out a couple of weeks ago that Black Sails director Roel Reine would helm the 2-part IMAX pilot episode for ABC, and early this morning he Tweeted out an image of an IMAX camera test in preparation for the shoot. There's nothing particularly interesting about that in and of itself, but the response from Canadian actress Elysia Rotaru has become grounds for a lot of speculation.


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As Marvel’s The Inhumans TV series prepares to begin shooting in Hawaii this month, we may have uncovered our first cast member. We found out a couple of weeks ago that Black Sails director Roel Reine would helm the 2-part IMAX pilot episode for ABC, and early this morning he Tweeted out an image of an IMAX camera test in preparation for the shoot. There’s nothing particularly interesting about that in and of itself, but the response from Canadian actress Elysia Rotaru has become grounds for a lot of speculation.

Rotaru, who has appeared in quite a few comic book-related TV shows in the past including Smallville, Arrow and iZombie, expresses her excitement and says she “can’t wait.”

Obviously, this doesn’t confirm that Rotaru has joined the cast, but there’s certainly a decent chance of it given her enthusiastic reply to the Tweet. Of course, there’s also the possibility that she’s simply a huge Marvel fan and is looking forward to the show. If it does turn out that Rotaru has been cast in The Inhumans though, there are a number of roles she could play – but if her character is a member of the Royale Family, then it’ll either be Crystal or Medusa, with the latter being the most likely given the actress’ age.

Tell us, do you think means we have our first cast member for The Inhumans, or has Rotaru’s Tweet been taken out of context? Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments section below.