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Making A Murderer Filmmakers Still Interested In A Sequel

From the moment Making a Murderer debuted on Netflix late last year, it turned into a cultural phenomenon. While the buzz surrounding it has died down considerably in the past month or so, the filmmakers behind the gripping documentary series are still hoping to do a follow up of some kind.


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From the moment Making a Murderer debuted on Netflix late last year, it turned into a cultural phenomenon. While the buzz surrounding it has died down considerably in the past month or so, the filmmakers behind the gripping documentary series are still hoping to do a follow up of some kind.

Speaking at the Stranger Than Fiction panel at New York’s IFC Center, Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos, who spent almost 10 years putting together Making a Murderer, stated that they hope to continue documenting the case, as it’s far from over:

“From our perspective this story is obviously not over,” Ricciardi said. “It’s real life and (Avery and Brendan Dassey’s) cases are both still pending. We have no idea when the magistrate will make a decision in Brendan’s case. We do know that two potential outcomes are that the judge could order Brendan’s release or he could order a new trial. So we are on the edge of seats about that. To the extent that there are significant developments, we would like to continue documenting this (case).”

It’s probably a fair assumption that almost everyone who watched Making a Murderer is interested in seeing how the rest of the story plays out. While Ricciardi and Demos did, admittedly, paint a bit of a biased picture with their work, it’s still a fascinating tale and one whose ending deserves to be told. As such, we’d definitely love to see them continue their work and bring us another season.

That’s just our opinion, though. What do you think? Would you be interested in watching a follow up to Making a Murderer? Sound off below and let us know.