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The Mandalorian Star Says Season 2 Will Be Unexpected

Fans are patiently waiting for the return of The Mandalorian on Disney Plus, and according to one of the series' stars, the next season will be unexpected.

The Mandalorian

Few shows have managed to receive such global recognition in their first couple of years as The Mandalorian did in a span of two months. That’s why the House of Mouse is dedicating a lot of resources to continue the streak of success with this unexpected gem in their sea of divisive Star Wars content.

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Set five years after Return of the Jedi, the first season of the sci-fi show introduced us to Din Djarin, a lonesome Mandalorian bounty hunter who gets into a squabble with the remnants of the Galactic Empire after he’s assigned a job to secure the Asset, a child in the same species as Grand Master Yoda. After gathering a crew and fighting Moff Gideon in an epic standoff, Din leaves with the Child, but if the final scene is any indication, the two are hardly out of the woods.

As described above, the show’s unique premise, strengthened with Jon Favreau’s storytelling skills, has allowed The Mandalorian to receive unanimous support and praise from the fandom of a galaxy far, far away. But what can fans expect from the future of this new series? Well, according to Emily Swallow, who played the Armorer in the show, the next run will be even more daring and unexpected.

When asked to describe the upcoming season, she had the following to say:

“Unexpected. The truth of it is, I know very, very, very little.”

The fact that the cast and crew know very little about what’s to come is hardly surprising. The security on Disney’s new show is awfully tight, to the point that they managed to keep Baby Yoda a secret throughout the production. However, the actress did share a bit of information about how she brought her character to life.

“I was given some really useful… not specific backstory, but sort of more how the armor fits into the overall story of this particular clan of Mandalorians. And one of the things that Jon talked to me about, which I understand was also an inspiration of George Lucas’ was Kurosawa films in that there’s a very reverential tone and that kind of economy of movement with a lot of the samurai in Kurosawa films.

And I knew that the Armorer was sort of a spiritual leader in addition to being a weapons maker, and that she’s sort of the thing that they all come back to. She keeps them grounded in who they are and in their code, and there’s a sacredness to that, and there’s a reverence to that. And Jon talked about the importance of holding onto these rituals and the importance of this creed and how important a little thing like taking off your helmet is or isn’t.”

It would seem that Favreau really knows what he’s doing with this fictional universe in terms of lore and characterization, which only makes us all the more excited for the next season of The Mandalorian, currently under development and slated for release in 2020.