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Marvel’s second Special Presentation may feature this much-looked-for star-spanning hero

Marvel's newest format may serve as a launch pad for the rocket-like hero.

Marvel Special Presentation logo
Screenshot via Dumb-bree 27/YouTube

Marvel’s first Special Presentation, Werewolf by Night seems to be a runaway hit meaning that audiences will likely see more use of the “one and done” format to introduce other lower-tier characters for niche fandoms. And the latest rumor will no doubt excite one of the internet’s most vociferous fanbases.

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According to TheCosmicCircus.com, exclusive sources have revealed that the subject of the second Special Presentation will be none other than the galactic warrior known as Nova. The format for the character has been the subject of debate since development of the project was announced in March with mass speculation as to whether the character would debut in a standalone film or a Disney plus television series. It appears that Marvel may be able to use the new Special Presentation format to have their cake and eat it too, combining the greater accessibility of Disney Plus (not to mention lower costs) with the standalone nature and run time of a feature film.

Nova fans have been eagerly anticipating the character’s MCU debut since well before the possibility became a reality, and a near platoon’s worth of young up-and-coming actors have been fancast or wished for to fill the role of either (or both) Richard Rider (the Original Nova from the late 1970s comic) or Sam Alexander, one of the character’s later incarnations. But despite its greenlit status fans have never been certain whether they’ll be watching his debut in a theater or at home. 

If the rumor proves to be true, fans will get their first taste of Nova at home but without waiting the requisite six to nine weeks for the story to play out as with the Disney Plus series. Instead, they’ll be able to digest the whole thing in one hourlong (give or take) block.

There is as yet, very little detail available on the Nova project (indeed, the format suggested is only based on anonymous sources). Nova is traditionally a young earthling granted powers by Xandarian technology and that origin will no doubt play a part in any Nova film, special, or special but thus far Marvel has yet to officially confirm the format, the cast, or even a release date for the project.

That said, if the rumor proves to be true, it may just presage the development of other specials featuring lesser-known characters such as the upcoming Wonder Man project.