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How I Met Your Mother Season Premiere Review: “The Locket” (Season 9, Episode 1)

Season 9 of How I Met Your Mother has definitely been highly anticipated. Much more so than the anticipation that the typical gap between seasons of a TV show leads to. Meeting the mother is something die-hard fans have been waiting for since day one of HIMYM. Countless times throughout the series we've been close, almost getting a glimpse of her before a quick cut or a well-placed umbrella shielded her face from view. At the end of season 8, in a surprising and polarizing move, we got that glimpse of the mother, long before Ted did, meaning that she'd be a major part of season 9, and we'd actually have time to get to know her.


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The one big letdown of this episode was Marshall’s plot. It was a bit ridiculous that Marshall wouldn’t realize he needs to get off the phone when he’s on an airplane. Even more ridiculous was the fact that there was only one more flight to New York City, the biggest city in the country, during the middle of the day. In fact, it seemed like it was morning. It certainly wasn’t late at night, and even then, there’s always a way to get to New York. I will say that the storm being mentioned sets up a pretty big conflict to come into play later in the weekend. I just wanted more humor from Marshall and less stupidity.

Eventually this locket is going to come into play again. Whether Ted decides to give it to Robin or keeps it himself, I’d say it’s safe to expect there’ll be a lot of deliberation over what he does. My early prediction? He gives the locket to Barney to give to Robin. That’d be the classiest way for Ted to show to us, and to himself, that he clearly is done with Robin. But that’s likely not going to happen until the end of the season, so there’s plenty of time for the show to tantalize us about what he’s going to do.

All in all, this was a great kick-off to season 9. If the rest of the season follows suit, then this will certainly be a very enjoyable year that makes the letdown of season 8 a thing of the past. It’s too early to say if the rest of the season 9 episodes will be as good, but it’s always great when a show can start strong.

Other Random Notes

  • Barney continually referencing the ring bear sounded an awful lot like something we may have heard from him before… Did I say snakes?
  • I had a hunch they weren’t actually going to be cousins from the start. I don’t think HIMYM is bold enough to launch into incest this season.
  • He was so distraught he jumped off a bridge and is dead.
  • Ted’s slow driving and driving gloves was classic Schmosby.
  • Is it just me, or was the Mother acting a lot like Lily when they were together? It seems Milioti’s performance was inspired by years of watching Alyson Hannigan

Be sure to check back next week for a review on the next episode of How I Met Your Mother.