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‘Moon Knight’ fans are dying to know what’s inside episode 4’s sarcophagus

The tail end of this week's 'Moon Knight' episode was filled to bursting with teasers, not least that of a mysterious sarcophagus.

Disney Plus

This article contains major spoilers for Moon Knight episode 4 throughout

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With only two episodes remaining in its allotted half-dozen episodes, it’s around this time during a Marvel show’s initial run that narrative seeds sown in the inaugural episode begin to sprout. In the weird and wonderful world as shown through the eyes of Marc Spector/Steven Grant, however, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

‘The Tomb’ picks up right where last week’s topsy-turvy adventure halted, with Grant and Layla pursuing Arthur Harrow in an attempt to prevent him from letting Egyptian God Ammit loose upon an unsuspecting world.

Harrow doesn’t quite realize his goal by the episode’s end, thankfully, and audiences are treated, instead, to a surreal exploration of Grant/Spector’s psyche.

Major spoilers follow below the break

Shot twice by Harrow and sent sinking into a seemingly bottomless abyss, Spector regains consciousness in what appears to be a psychiatric hospital. While attempting to break free from their imagined (or is it?) prison, Marc, having freed Steven from a sarcophagus and the pair now separate entities, briefly passes by a second gilded coffin, heavily implying that there is, in fact, a third personality itching to be let free.

Whether the lid will burst open before season’s end remains to be seen, though fans are willing it so, especially as most believe the personality within to be none other than Jake Lockley.

A clever play on words, or a welcome coincidence?

The meme potential is off the charts.

Approximately a zero percent chance of anything else, according to Twitter.


Three’s a crowd.

Probably scared of what’s inside.

Any other suggestions?

Expect to find out what’s behind door number two when Moon Knight episode 5 releases next week, April 27.