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New Girl Review: “Menus” (Season 3, Episode 8)

Who knew a simple menu for a Chinese restaurant could be a catalyst for change? Who'd have thought that piece of laminated paper that so often ends up on your doormat could prove to be the metaphorical straw that metaphorically breaks the metaphorical camel's metaphorical back?


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Schmidt did turn up throughout the episode, attempting to install a spy camera at one point, but he’s woefully underused as of late. Winston too. I’m starting to get sick of Schmidt not living with the gang, and even though he’s just across the hall, it’s just not the same. “Menus” does sort of remedy that by the end, and not before time.

The gang needs to be together. We need Schmidt back in there. Winston was funny this episode, much more physical than normal, and it mostly worked. Again, woefully underused. Coach has done a great job of usurping the roles that Winston and Schmidt would have taken; you could call him Schminston, or Widt, so effective is he at channelling their two characters. As much as I like Schminston, he’s no Schmidt and Winston. I still need them. You won’t make me forget them, Schminston.

Random Robservations:

  • What was Winston’s “thing” this week? Well, he had two – his burns are much too long, and he’s always injured.
  • He’s also great at finding wheelchairs.
  • Schmidt and the work-out song next door – “That’s a really great work-out song.”
  • Cece’s insulted confusion at Nick getting her to deliver his food nearly stole that scene, but sort of smacked of needing something for Cece to do this week.
  • I could watch Coach smack Nick’s dumplings all day, and I refuse to explain that for anyone who hasn’t watched the episode.
  • Cece and Coach! It’s so obvious now!

More New Girl next week, so don’t you go dying on me, all eight of you who read this.