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Oscar Isaac is teasing a third, more violent ‘Moon Knight’ personality

Fans have suspected that a third personality would be appearing in 'Moon Knight' and now all signs point to it happening.

Moon Knight will air its penultimate episode this week before finishing out its limited run next week. Despite being four episodes in, many secrets have been kept but now Oscar Isaac is teasing one of its biggest.

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Speaking on Comicbook.com’s Phase Zero podcast, Isaac teased the appearance of a third personality for Moon Knight, Jake Lockley who could appear in the final episodes.

“I’d say that you’re right that it’s definitely things are pointing towards the idea that it’s not just Steven and Marc in that system, that there are possibly others. Yeah, that’s something that we discussed. Two episodes left to find out.”

Comic fans will know that Moon Knight has other personas including Lockley who has been a frontrunner to appear on the show since it was announced. During the latest episode of the show, the idea of a third personality was hinted at, but so far it hasn’t been elaborated on.

The Moon Knight series has been a big success for Marvel Studios so far and a key part of that would seem to be the team’s love for the comics. Even Isaac is well versed in the Moon Knight comics sharing during the podcast how he’d like to see the Bushman saga take place on screen.

“Yeah, I mean, look, the Bushman saga, that whole thing was pretty amazing. You can’t beat cutting off someone’s face and then surviving. I mean, that’s a pretty good villain’s backstory. Yeah, that’s amazing.

The world of Moon Knight is so vast that you can really put your lense on any aspect of it and create a whole world of stories so it’s an exciting character to bring to live action”

Right now it doesn’t seem that the show has plans to introduce the villain Bushman, but potentially in a second season, the character could come into play.

Moon Knight will air its final episodes on Wednesday this week and next.

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