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The Punisher Star Wishes Eminem Had Chimed In Earlier

Speaking with TMZ, The Punisher star Jason R. Moore said that he wishes Eminem had chimed in on the show a bit earlier than he did.

The Punisher

Following the recent announcement that The Punisher will not be returning for another outing, the cast of the beloved Netflix show found themselves with a rather unlikely ally in the form of rapper Eminem.

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A few days ago, Marshall Mathers took to Twitter to call out Netflix for their decision to cancel the series, keeping his condemnation short and blunt, simply writing:


Since Em Tweeted his message, both Floriana Lima and Amber Rose Revah have expressed their thanks for Mathers’ support, while star Jon Bernthal showed his respect for the rapper’s words, too. And now, it looks like another cast member from The Punisher is also happy to have Slim Shady standing up for the series.

Speaking to TMZ, Jason R. Moore – who plays Curtis Hoyle – was asked about what he thought of the show being cancelled and said that due to the nature of the business, he expected it.

“I always expect it because that’s the nature of the business,” Moore said. “I mean, I expect it to happen. I don’t like surprises, so I always prepare myself for when things happen. And I mean, when I saw Daredevil got axed after season three, I was like, ‘That was like the best season, so you know what? Ain’t no chance for us.’ I saw Luke Cage get axed, I saw Iron Fist get axed, and I was like, ‘You know what? Let me be ready. Let me prepare myself.”

TMZ then asked Moore about Eminem’s Tweet, to which the actor said that he wishes Shady had chimed in a bit earlier.

“Apparently Eminem’s like a fan, like a big fan. He had his little issue, right? He had Eminem/The Punisher issue. And so he was, apparently, watching it and enjoying it and then when he heard the show got axed he was like, he had to say something. He voiced it, made a pretty big splash on Twitter…It was a good look. Eminem, he should have probably been chiming in earlier on, before the show got axed.”

Unfortunately, even if Em had spoken up sooner than he did, it probably wouldn’t have helped matters much. From the moment Daredevil got the axe, it was pretty clear that all the Marvel Netflix shows were on their way out, as if even the Man Without Fear couldn’t escape cancellation, then The Punisher never really stood a chance.

Still, there’s been a lot of talk lately about possibly Hulu or FX reviving the Defenders shows and though it may be a few years before they can do that, we’re pretty confident we haven’t seen the last of these characters.