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The Red Wedding And Beyond: 6 Incredibly Shocking Television Moments From 2013

"Shocking" is one of those words that tends to be very subjective, often meaning different things to different people. To me, the very idea of something being shocking is that is pushes you back a bit. It acts as a sort of curve ball, throwing you off your game. The worst shocking moments tend to shock just for the reaction and the best shocking moments are the ones that shift a storyline, or show us an evolution (or de-evolution) of a character that we have grown very used to. A shock should never be used just to be used.

[h2]Orange is the New Black: Final Fight[/h2]


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I hope you were smart enough to feed into the hype and watch this amazing show on Netflix. While it could be said that the whole series prides itself on shocking moments (how about the tampon sandwich in episode one?), I would have to say that the season finale of Orange is the New Black really, truly shocked me.

Not only was did it seem like Piper was about to get stabbed by that God-loving bitch, but the guards were sitting back and letting it happen, and during a CHRISTMAS play, no less. But, Piper snaps, and man do we all love when the good girl snaps.

Unfortunately, we don’t get a full idea of what happens next, as the season ends with Piper punching Pennsatucky’s face into a pulp off-frame, while wearing the visage of a mad woman. But still, it was shocking to see Piper finally lose it, and we can’t help but to wonder what happens next. Bring on season 2!