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Ringer Season Finale Review “‘I’m The Good Twin'” (Season 1, Episode 22)

Everyone is all dolled up in their Sunday finest on the season one finale of Ringer. The renewal of the vows ceremony is taking place between Bridget (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and Andrew (Ioan Gruffudd) and everything is going smoothly - that is until Bodaway Macawi (Zahn McClarnon) crashes the party. Bridget wakes up startled from this dream turned nightmare.

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Everyone is all dolled up in their Sunday finest on the season one finale of Ringer.

The renewal of the vows ceremony is taking place between Bridget (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and Andrew (Ioan Gruffudd) and everything is going smoothly – that is until Bodaway Macawi (Zahn McClarnon) crashes the party. Bridget wakes up startled from this dream turned nightmare.

A touching AA meeting on Bridget’s one year anniversary gets the ball rolling on the secret revealing road.

Solomon (Sean Patrick Thomas) is against the whole coming clean plan and reminds Bridget that “it’s great that you want to be honest, but outing yourself as Bridget Kelly is not the smartest thing, Bodaway wants her dead, not Siobhan Martin.” But, Bridget is still convinced it’s time.

Back at Martin/Charles, Olivia (Jaime Murray) may be out of the picture but Andrew is back on the way to the black with the help of an unlikely ally, Tim Arbogast (Gregory Harrison). Arbogast seems to have poured some ridiculous amount of money into the fund to return it to its former glory. He seems pleasant enough at this occasion, until Bridget walks in. He thinks she’s Siobhan and he wants revenge on for the affair with Henry (Kris Polaha).

The new babies are still in the hospital and nameless, but healthy for the most part. The elephant in the room is the paternity test that Henry is asking for. He decides to leave that out in his conversation with Siobhan (also Gellar). Instead he moves to a more diplomatic topic – moving to Chicago.

Agent Machado (Nestor Carbonell) is back on active duty, but off the case.

An unexpected guest is waiting at the penthouse – former agent Jimmy is out of the big house and looking for a payout. Was Jimmy working for Siobhan too? Is that why she went to Wyoming last year before any of this mess happened?

It turns out that he didn’t scare Bridget into running out of instructions from Bodaway, but an irresistible offer from Siobhan herself.

Dinner with the family is supposed to be honesty hour for Bridget. The time comes and goes, and when Andrew breaks open the romantic monologue it doesn’t seem like to right time for the truth. The clock is ticking.

Jimmy’s plan to extort enough money to start a new life goes sour when Bodaway himself shows up. It doesn’t end well.

Before Solomon heads up to the Hampton’s to check out a lead, he arms Bridget with his gun. She tells him that the new plan is to reveal the truth after the farewell party – “one last night of the fantasy.”

The results of the paternity test are in – Henry is not the father. That doesn’t keep Siobhan from lying about it.

Things at the party get rather uncomfortable when Arbogast decides to tell Andrew about the affair before he heads home for the celebration. Andrew decides to confront “Siobhan” in front of everyone.

Another confrontation goes down between Siobhan and Henry. After he admits to draining her bank account, he tells her that he already knew the real results of the test. He kicks Siobhan out.

When the news runs the story about Jimmy’s death Bridget immediately realizes the Macawi is in New York and calls Machado. Unfortunately, he has been ordered to stay far away from the case or find another job. Andrew walks back in and it seems like as good as any time to tell the truth, now that Siobhan’s marriage to Andrew has self-destructed. She drops the bomb

Andrew is furious. Understandably so. Bridget gives a touching speech of her own, but it’s not enough. Like her sister, she gets kicked out. Looks like neither twin is having such a great night. Andrew takes his frustrations out on Henry – with a punch. Meanwhile, Bridget tells Juliet the truth. It doesn’t go well.

The Martins decide its best to get out of town after the shenanigans and Siobhan takes advantage of the opportunity. She sneaks into the penthouse to steal as much jewelry as she can. She has to pay for her extravagant lifestyle somehow. Mid-robbery the lights go out in the apartment – looks like Macawi has come to pay her a visit. Although it seems that Siobhan has this coming, now that she’s a mom it doesn’t seem quite fair.

Bridget doesn’t give up so easily. She heads to the penthouse to try to make amends with Juliet only find trouble. Siobhan escapes when Bridget points the gun at Macawi and shoots. He manages to get the drop on Bridget anyway, but she plants a bullet in his head as agent Machado and the cavalry arrive. Siobhan takes refuge at the hospital with her daughters – the only thing she has left.

The night ends with a bang when Solomon brings back a tape that shows Siobhan is still alive. Bridget heads over the Henry’s for answers, but the truth isn’t what she expected.

I guess we’ll have to wait until next season for the epic meeting of twins to take place. Will Andrew and Juliet forgive Bridget and be a happy family? Where will Siobhan go now that she has no money and two babies in tow?

Until next season!