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Final Season Of Jessica Jones Will Premiere Next Month

With Daredevil, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist canceled, it looks like the third season of Jessica Jones will be the last we see of Marvel on Netflix.

Jessica Jones and Kilgrave

Back in 2015, Netflix and Marvel teamed up to bring a series of superhero shows to the popular streaming service, integrating a handful of smaller players into MCU without the need for big budget movies. The first seasons of Daredevil and Luke Cage were promising, and while Iron Fist didn’t live up to expectations, it was great to see everyone come together during The Defenders

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And who could forget Jessica Jonesthe private eye with a short temper and a penchant for stiff drinks? Since Marvel took their sweet time when it came to producing a female superhero film, the woman behind Alias Investigations provided some much-needed diversity within the MCU. Unfortunately, everything’s taken a turn for the worse during the past year. Netflix has canceled every single one of the aforementioned shows, and while there are rumors that some series will return on other streaming platforms, we aren’t exactly holding our breath.

Even though Netflix officially announced its cancelation earlier this year, the third and final season of Jessica Jones will still see the light of day, and now, we finally have a release window. As reported by MCU Exchange, the next batch of episodes will premiere sometime in June. Oddly enough, the streaming giant hasn’t hammered out a specific date, even though other series all have air dates set in stone.

In fact, it seems like Netflix is treating this season with little fanfare. At the time of writing, there are no trailers or teasers in sight, save for one promotional image that was posted earlier in the month. We don’t know much about the next run’s plot or direction, either, but we sincerely hope that Jessica Jones gets the satisfying ending she deserves, especially since this is the show’s last season.