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The Simpsons Treehouse Of Horror XXX Poster Parodies Stranger Things

Even though I’ve been a fan of The Simpsons for more than two decades, I must confess that I’ve somewhat lapsed on the show in the last few seasons. Sure, I stuck it out longer than some other folks, but I eventually had to concede that the A-material is long behind us.


Even though I’ve been a fan of The Simpsons for more than two decades, I must confess that I’ve somewhat lapsed on the show in the last few seasons. Sure, I stuck it out longer than some other folks, but I eventually had to concede that the A-material is long behind us.

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Still, I’ll check out what my favorite animated family is up to from time to time, particularly whenever Halloween rolls around. As per usual, the creative team behind the series will be rolling out “Treehouse of Horrors XXX” soon enough, and believe it or not, there’s already a poster circulating for it.

Seen below is the promo piece in question, which makes it apparent that Stranger Things and The Shape of Water will be among those lampooned in this year’s prime time special. And to be clear, the “XXX” signifies this is the thirtieth installment – so don’t expect anything of the, um, “adult” variety.

As fate would have it, this’ll actually be the 666th episode overall, which is quite the wonderful coincidence. Granted, the poster says the producers planned it from the beginning, but I doubt they meticulously plotted out the series to this extent three decades ago.

Regardless, this is yet another testament to the show’s enduring popularity, and we can only ponder when it’ll come to a close. Being one of the longest running series in history, I must say that life will feel very weird once it’s gone for good. Well, there’ll always be reruns to savor, but you know what I mean.

The Simpsons airs on Sunday nights on Fox, with “Treehouse of Horror XXX” set to debut on October 20th.