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‘Star Wars’ fans are hoping ‘Andor’ explains how two popular ‘Rogue One’ characters first met

People love that K-2SO and Cassian chemistry.

cassian andor star wars
Photo via Lucasfilm

The idea of the prequel is always interesting because we theoretically know the what of what’s going to happen but we don’t always know the how. Case in point, the upcoming show Andor is sort of a prequel to a prequel (Rogue One).

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There’s a lot of lore involved in the Star Wars, and over on the subreddit r/StarWars fans are hoping that the new show will answer the question of how the droid K-2SO and Cassian became a team. K-2SO was one of the breakout characters of Rogue One and would be a welcome addition to the new show.

OP lasershow77 posed the question and shared a gif of the droid from the original movie saying “I’ll be there for you. Cassian said I had to.”

While there hasn’t been any official word from Disney as to whether K-2SO will be in the show, that hasn’t stopped people from hoping/hypothesizing. User GT4242_42 noted a conspicuous lack of the droid so far.

“We haven’t seen him in trailers have we? Probably means he’ll be showing up later in the show,” they said. This immediately prompted two opposite responses. User GunBrothersGaming said “I swear I saw a report that he won’t be in the show,” while user gatorbeetle said something that kind of makes sense: the show is leading up to the events in Rogue One.

“I’ve heard def not season 1, but should be on 2. Given the series ends right before R1 begins, we kinda have to. There’s supposed to be (canon) comics that tell the tale. I haven’t caught any of them, tho.”

Another user, warmerglow, also shared that Alan Tudyk, K-S20 voice actor, wasn’t around. “I think I read Alan Tudyk hasn’t been around at all for filming S1 (although that could be misdirection). We’ll definitely get him in S2 if he’s not in S1.”

The truth is people are chomping at the bit to get more of that sweet droid/Cassian banter, like user xXGoldenAvenger:

“… K2-SO was such a defining highlight of the film, personally. His dynamic with Cassian was fantastic. And we know they’ve been working together for a while before Rogue One, so it should be unavoidable to include him in the show at some point. It would be great to see how he changes K2 and how their relationship developed. They played off each other so well!”

A lot of commenters simply said “In season 2,” as well.

So what are the stars of the show saying? Well, according to star Diego Luna: “We have five years [before the events in Rogue One],” Luna told The Hollywood Reporter. “If he knew K2 back then there would be no journey to go through.”

Head writer Tony Gilroy touched agreed. “We’re starting him so far away from the person who would know how to — or be motivated to — reprogram an Imperial droid.”

Honestly, this sounds like the season two guess is looking better and better. Other users, like estofaulty, say they don’t care how the two met.

“I hope not. We don’t need to be shown how literally everything in Star Wars happened. I don’t need to see how Han Solo got his vest or how Palpatine got his robes.”

User Tapdatsam disagreed, saying that it’s a pretty big deal to reprogram an Imperial droid and we should get to see that.

“It’s not like we are asking how cassian decided to style his hair or anything, we are asking about a character’s backstory here! K2 was a STOLEN, REPROGRAMMED imperial droid. Not just a protocol droid. If anything it would be integral to the plot of Andor to see how he gets K2.”

User SPamlEZ pointed out that it’s basically impossible to please Star Wars fans regardless of what happens.

“This is why all the Star Wars subs can be so frustrating. Half the people want something and the other half want the exact opposite. It’s worse when people get personally offended when their vision isn’t what is produced.”

That comment cements what’s wrong with prequels in general, said user the_way_around.

“This! This is the problem that has persisted since the prequels. ‘Yay! We’ll get to see how…..x, y and z.’ Well it turns out the not knowing…and not even considering that you want to know…is better than whatever they actually write and produce. I don’t want to know. Just let things….be.”

That might be the best advice of all. You can check out the droid’s conspicuous absence from Season 1 (barring a surprise) when Andor premieres on Disney Plus on Sept. 21.