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‘Star Wars’ fans celebrate as ‘The Mandalorian’ delivers our first glimpse at a legendary beast

One of the mightiest creatures rises!

The Mandalorian Darksaber
Image via Lucasfilm Ltd.

This article contains spoilers for The Mandalorian season 3, episode 2

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Over three seasons, The Mandalorian has gradually revealed the legends that form the basis of The Creed. Mandalore the Great is a key figure in the history of the people, leading them in battle against the Jedi hundreds of years ago. One of his most notable feats was taming the mighty Mythosaur, a story so well-known that the Ugnaught Kuill commented in season one that “Your ancestors rode the great Mythosaur!” when training him to ride blurrgs.

Now, courtesy of season 3’s most recent chapter “The Mines of Mandalore,” we’ve finally seen one in the flesh. Bo-Katan reads aloud explaining that the Living Waters were said to have once been home to the Mythosaur, though she clearly considered them to be something of a fairytale.

The Mandalorian Mythosaur
Screengrab via Disney Plus

Once Din plunges into the deep water and she rockets down to save him, the pair come face-to-face with a gigantic beast lurking in the depths. The episode ends here, but we’re hoping this teases some Mythosaur monster action next week as the Godzilla-sized beast wakes up.

Star Wars fans are loving this long-awaited reveal:

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Here’s hoping Din forms some kind of connection with it:

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This is a good point:

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Is it time for Bo-Katan to step up?

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So far the season delivers:

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And yes, we can also very easily imagine this too:

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We doubt teasing a glimpse at the Mythosaur would be made without a payoff in mind next week, so we’re fully hyped for some bonkers giant monster action as it rampages through the ruined city. Whether Din, Bo-Katan, or Grogu manages to tame and ride it is another matter altogether, though fingers crossed it becomes an incredible new ally and marks the beginning of the renewal of Mandalore.

The Mandalorian airs Wednesdays on Disney Plus.