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Supergirl EP Teases Villainous Turn For Lena Luthor

Despite our knowing that Supergirl will be going through an existential crisis of sorts when we rejoin her this fall, we fully expect her to snap out of her funk before long. After all, Kara Zor-El is surrounded by many people who love her, including her sister, Alex, and some great friends in the form of James Olsen, Winn Schott and even Lena Luthor.

Despite our knowing that Supergirl will be going through an existential crisis of sorts when we rejoin her this fall, we fully expect her to snap out of her funk before long. After all, Kara Zor-El is surrounded by many people who love her, including her sister, Alex, and some great friends in the form of James Olsen, Winn Schott and even Lena Luthor.

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Now, when Lena was first revealed to have been added to the series, many fans surmised that she’d be placed in an antagonistic role. Truth be told, that’s quite understandable given the last name she bears. But in a clever twist, the producers have used that notion to their advantage by showing her attempting to break away from the stigma set by her brother, thus rebranding LuthorCorp as “L-Corp.” Not only that, but she’s proven to be a keen ally for Supergirl, even siding with the Maiden of Might against her own mother, Lillian Luthor, when she felt it was the right thing to do.

And therein lies the Luthor curse – they always firmly believe they’re doing the right thing. According to executive producer Andrew Kreisberg, Lena’s tipping point may come before long:

“Lena and Kara’s friendship will continue to grow. There’s a lot of Lena-Kara adventures early on in this season. The most interesting thing about Lena is that she is so good, and so moral, and believes in second chances, but she comes from this family of truly evil people. As people are going to realize over the course of this season, it doesn’t take much to make you bad. People don’t just turn evil. They do one small bad thing and then that leads to another, and then to another, and so any time you’re watching Lena, you’re always wondering, ‘Is this the moment when she does the one small thing?’”

From the sound of that, it really seems like what would be called a “heel turn” in the pro wrestling industry is imminent. Regardless, actress Katie McGrath was one of season 2’s greatest additions, so we’re on board for whatever may happen in the coming year.

Supergirl returns for its third season on Monday, October 9 on The CW.