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‘Survivor’ host Jeff Probst reveals that poop parties might make it onto our television screens someday

One word: Gross.

Photo via CBS

Yes, you read that right. Survivor stars have absolutely no privacy while filming the beloved competition series in the Fijian jungle, even when it comes to going number two. Gross.

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Survivor fans are often left with dozens and dozens of questions about the behind-the-scenes aspects of the hit competition show and its overall logistics — Do castaways actually walk to tribal council? Are castaways able to converse with the camera crew? Are castaways allowed to bring food earned at reward challenges back to camp? — but believe it or not, bathroom activity typically does not come up within comment sections on social media or threads on Reddit.

Unprompted, longtime host Jeff Probst discussed a major poop problem that castaways face on Survivor during a recent episode of his On Fire podcast, with season 45 “Sole Survivor” and On Fire co-host Dee Valladares sharing an extremely TMI story. The nitty-gritty details are below but beware, this conversation can be considered rather graphic…

Photo via CBS

With the most recent episode of Survivor 46 having half of its castaways letting their gluttonous side shine during the long-awaited merge feast, a harmless conversation between Probst and Valladares regarding food intake quickly turned into a conversation about food output instead, with the idea of a “poop party” being mentioned.

“You want to eat everything. You should eat everything in that merge meal, even at the expense of what’s going to happen next,” the Survivor 46 winner exclaimed, prior to sharing a rather contradictory story that still makes her shudder. “I cannot believe that I’m going to say this on the On Fire podcast in front of two dudes, but in one of the rewards, I ate so much that my stomach locked up, got hard as a rock, and I had to run to the ocean… I didn’t even make it to the ocean. I made it to the bushes and I started throwing up.”

Admitting that she was “throwing up and using the bathroom at the exact same time” – an activity that is not uncommon after Survivor castaways stuff their faces after a reward challenge – Valladares shared that while she was doing her business, a member of the crew was trying to film her, which is where Probst stepped in to set the record straight.

The longtime Survivor host shared that “if you’re going to the bathroom alone, then we will not shoot you,” however, “if you’re going to the bathroom with another person or people, that’s your own thing, but we will keep shooting you.” As disgusting as it might sound, Survivor cannot risk castaways having a private conversation with one another while the cameras are not rolling, as it can alter the trajectory of the game. Because of this, Survivor superfans have just one burning question: Have we seen a group bathroom run on our television screens that we were simply unaware of?

While it is unclear as to whether or not a poop party has aired on Survivor to date, Probst confirmed that any group outing — regardless of whatever gross activity might be occurring — is fair game. Who knows, perhaps we will see one on Survivor 46

Nonetheless, to see where fan-favorite castaways like Q Burdette, Hunter McKnight, Venus Vafa, and more go from here, catch new episodes of Survivor 46 every Wednesday on CBS. We’re now in the infamous “murgatory” portion of the game, things are finally starting to heat up!