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‘Thank you for the glass-half-full read on everything’: Why it would be a joy to see any of the 5 remaining houseguests win ‘Big Brother 25’

This final five is truly unmatched!

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With only five players left in the Big Brother house, it will be a battle between Jag Bains, Bowie Jane, Matt Klotz, Felicia Cannon, and Cirie Fields for the $750,000 cash prize in the end.

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Despite being a season filled with the most clueless players and the most lackluster gameplay to date, Big Brother 25 has a strong final five, with @FlingbatMagoo arguing via Reddit that there are reasons to be happy for any of the remaining houseguests to win (garnering over 100 upvotes).

“This sub has gotten pretty negative lately. I think we’re all exhausted by the long season, and (some of us are) frustrated by the outcomes, so in what may end up being a totally futile flop of an attempt to start a thread that’s more positive on this Monday morning, here are a few reasons to be happy for any of the final five to win.”

Naturally, Big Brother superfans were pleased to see some positivity to kick off the week, thanking the user for spreading joy.

@AGirlCalledBob: “Very good points. Thank you for the glass-half-full read on everything.”

@kiwiler: “Thank you for your attempt! I’ve mostly enjoyed this season (if you forget zombie week) and the cast has been interesting enough.”

@QWYAOTR: “Appreciate the attempt to inject some positivity into the sub! While I’m not happy with the potential outcome, I’m happy that I was able to watch Cirie in real time and that I learned that Izzy Gleicher exists in the world.”

What were said reasons to be happy? Keep scrolling to see for yourself…

Jag Bains

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To start things off, @FlingbatMagoo recognized some of the reasons why it would be wonderful to watch Jag Bains win Big Brother 25, given that he was evicted in week four and returned to the game using Matt’s BB Power of Invincibility, and he is now just two competition wins away from the Big Brother record.

“He seems like a good guy. Appreciate the chill energy. If he won, he’d have the ultimate comeback story – climbing from having been universally targeted and unanimously evicted to going on a record-tying/breaking comp run, against an Olympian no less. It would be great from a representation perspective to crown the first Sikh player as the first Sikh winner.”

Serving as a member of the fifth-largest religion in the world, Jag is the first Sikh to ever play Big Brother. As if he was not honoring his religion enough, seeing him win would be a massive feat for his community!

Bowie Jane

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Everyone loves an underdog… right?

While Bowie Jane has flown under the radar for the entirety of Big Brother 25, she is responsible for taking out one of the strongest competitors of the season, Cameron Hardin, as well as securing two Head of Household wins for herself.

“Love an underdog/comeback story. She went from being unappreciated in a big alliance to straddling all sides to aligning into a solid final three for the endgame. Would be great to see an older woman win, especially one who’s relatively competitive against two young fit men, without ever hitting the block. Looking forward to the houseguests’ reactions to finding out she’s a lawyer.”

Don’t just take it from @FlingbatMagoo, several Big Brother superfans think she has what it takes to take home the $750,000 cash prize. After all, it has been nearly 100 days and she’s never even touched the block!

Matt Klotz

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Speaking of never touching the block, Matt Klotz has also never been nominated for eviction, despite playing a social game that is truly unmatched.

“He’s played the best game of the four overall, despite the obstacles presented by his disability. Like Jag, appreciate the chill energy. Has never hit the block — nobody was even going after him in the last HoH comp. He’s not a superfan so is relying on instinct, and has been seen as the frontrunner nearly all season.”

As if his gameplay has not been impressive enough, Matt is deaf, proving to viewers across the globe that those who are hard of hearing can be successful on Big Brother.

With several superfans saying that he is playing a better game than the other half of “The Minutemen” alliance, could Matt emerge as the champion of Big Brother 25? We will just have to wait and see!

Felicia Cannon

Felicia Cannon - Big Brother 25
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While Bowie Jane and Matt Klotz have never touched the block, Felicia Cannon has had an extremely different experience, being nominated for eviction eight times in a single season – that has to be a record… right?

“A unique, consistently entertaining houseguest with a compelling back story. Although Cirie’s the one who’s been on Survivor, Felicia would be the true survivor of the season if she survived the block 8 times and won. Again, would love to see an older winner prevail, especially a superfan who could use the money for a well-deserved comfortable retirement.”

Did we mention that Felicia is the oldest female contestant in Big Brother history? She’s seriously a badass!

Cirie Fields

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Last but certainly not least, we have the woman, the myth, the legend: Cirie Fields. The four-time Survivor player is so iconic that @FlingbatMagoo gave her hardly any commentary – how wild is that?

“Self-evident. It’s Cirie.”

Despite having zero competition wins under her belt, Cirie has played the ultimate under-the-radar game, coasting her way to the end despite proving herself time and time again to be a social and strategic mastermind.

With longtime host Julie Chen Moonves even admitting that Cirie has a great chance at taking home the win at the end of Big Brother 25, don’t count her out just yet…

While it would be a joy to see any of the five remaining houseguests win Big Brother 25, who will take home the $750,000 cash prize? Tune into CBS or Paramount Plus for brand new episodes every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday to find out.