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The 10 best ’90s sitcom Christmas episodes, ranked

These Christmas episodes from '90s sitcoms will drastically improve your holiday season.

Images via CBS and NBC

From goofy, over-the-top holiday sweaters to carolers jumping from door-to-door, the ‘90s were undoubtedly chock-full of memorable Yuletide moments. But perhaps no other form of entertainment invokes memories of the ‘90s quite like its mass collection of Christmas television content — especially when it comes to sitcoms.

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Much like a variety of other shows, ‘90s television specifically featured a handful of holiday episodes that kept viewers thoroughly entertained and begging for more. These episodes usually included the most typical elements of Christmas — somebody dressed in a Santa suit, milk and cookies scattered everywhere, and wacky sweaters that would surely win the Ugly Sweater contest at your local bar. Nevertheless, these holiday specials are timeless.

With Christmas just around the corner, we’ve already showcased every Christmas episode of Frasier for your Yuletide marathons, so let’s dive in and explore the 10 best ‘90s sitcom Christmas episodes to get you in the holiday spirit.

10. Home Improvement – “Home for the Holidays”

Image via ABC

Long before he was Santa Claus, Tim Allen led the charge for several Christmas episodes on the beloved ‘90s sitcom. For the final Christmas-themed episode, Tim and Al unknowingly go head-to-head in a battle for which house in the neighborhood has the best lights while Randy returns home and tries to adjust to all the new household changes. It’s a worthy episode packed with nostalgia of Allen’s sitcom stomping ground.

9. The Nanny – “Oy to the World”

Image via CBS

The Nanny was nothing short of hilarious at every turn, so it certainly comes as no surprise that its Christmas episode is jam-packed with fun. As the show’s only animation episode, Fran, Brighton, and Fran’s dog Chester find themselves stranded in the North Pole as the trio encounter Santa and his parade of elves, where Fran eventually conveys the message to a spoiled Brighton of what Christmas is all about — and it’s not the expensive gifts.

8. Boy Meets World – “A Very Topanga Christmas”

Image via ABC

Splitting time between families when you’re in a relationship is never easy, which is perfectly showcased in this particular Christmas special. As Cory wishes to celebrate the holidays his way, Topanga prefers partaking in celebrations that her family does. All works out in the end, of course, with the couple realizing that Christmas is about spending time with each other and family, not about the things you do.

7. Family Matters – “Have Yourself A Merry Winslow Christmas”

Image via ABC

Family Matters was a television series crawling with life lessons and taking the charge on serious topics, so it makes absolute sense as to why all of its episodes are fondly remembered — including its very first Christmas special. After Steve accidentally destroys Laura’s ornament and after being left at home by himself for Christmas, the entire Winslow clan comes together and invites Steve to spend the holiday with them. This episode is just another example of how important this family sitcom truly was.

6. Everybody Loves Raymond – “The Toaster”

Image via CBS

It’s certainly no secret that Everybody Loves Raymond featured a wide variety of hilarious moments, and the ever-present hilarity definitely doesn’t come up short in this particular Christmas episode. Chaos absolutely breaks loose in this special after Ray finds out that his parents returned an engraved toaster that he bought for them for the holiday. It’s a wacky episode that embodies exactly the sort of humor this series has always harbored.

5. Seinfeld – “The Strike”

Image via NBC

As one of the most controversial sitcoms of all time, it feels absolutely fitting that Seinfeld’s Christmas episode would land on this list. Coining and popularizing the holiday of Festivus, the special centers around George and Frank Costanza introducing Festivus, a holiday celebrated days before Christmas that excludes the excessive commercialism and stress of the major holiday. It certainly wouldn’t be a list of favorable sitcoms without including Seinfeld on here. 

4. Frasier – “​​Merry Christmas, Mrs. Moskowitz”

Frasier, Fay, and Mrs. Moskowitz stand in Frasier's doorway as Niles dressed as Jesus enters the apartment
Image via Paramount

Yes, we have an entire list of Christmas episodes from Frasier already, but we’d be absolute fools to not select one to place on this list. And without skipping a beat, this particular Christmas special is the best of them all. As Frasier pretends to be Jewish to impress the family of his new girlfriend, Niles eventually shows up dressed as Jesus and unloads one of the funniest scenes in the history of ‘90s TV. Give this one a watch right now.

3. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air – “Deck the Halls”

Image via NBC

Will Smith has certainly become a controversial figure over the last few years, but there’s simply no denying the huge splash Fresh Prince made during the ‘90s — especially with a Christmas special as iconic as this. Now living with the Banks, Will realizes that their idea of Christmas is much different in California, leading him to craft the “perfect” holiday for the family. The special is full of nonstop comedic bits and showcases how important it is to be with family during the holidays.

2. Full House – “Our Very First Christmas Show”

Image via ABC

I think I speak on behalf of many folks when I say that Full House is one of those sitcoms that raised us. So when discussing the best Christmas specials, it would feel criminal to not include this Yuletide special. With the Tanner family stranded in an airport due to a massive snowstorm, Stephanie worries that Santa won’t be able to find her. Luckily, Santa uses his magical powers and ends up delivering presents to the Tanners and others while stuck in the airport. It’s a feel-good episode that echoes the joy of Christmas.

1. Friends – “The One With the Holiday Armadillo”

Image via NBC

Come on, was there ever any actual doubt? To this day, Friends remains a cultural phenomenon and one of the best sitcoms of the ‘90s — with its large helping of holiday episodes still burned into our brains. In this particular episode, Ross fears that his son isn’t experienced enough in Jewish heritage, so he unleashes his “Holiday Armadillo” costume to get the festivities rolling and to teach everybody about the importance of their own unique holidays and celebrations.