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The 10 best ‘Courage the Cowardly Dog’ villains

Who are the best villains from Courage the Cowardly Dog?

Image via Deccan Herald

One of the most iconic shows for millennials to watch growing up was none other than Courage the Cowardly Dog. The show followed a cute dog that had to keep the elderly couple who adopted him safe. The fact that the family lives on a remote property adds to the spookiness to each episode. The villains that show up to cause chaos in each episode have left those who watched the show scared to go to bed, yet also wanting more. Here are the best Courage the Cowardly Dog villains that left viewers scared stiff while watching.

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The Stitch Sisters

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Two twins who are in charge of a quilt shop and imprison souls are undoubtedly on the list of best villains. Elisa and Eliza Stitch do not just look scary, but also sound about as scary as possible. The two sisters go out of their way to try to be as friendly and nice as possible at first, coming across as just selling quilts. The sisters were originally from prehistoric times, however, when they found a quilt back in the day that had powers, they became immortal.

Mattress Demon

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One of the darker villains on the show relative to their powers is Mattress Demon. The idea for the character stems from exorcisms and being possessed. Mattress Demon has the ability to get into any mattress around the world and take control of the person that is sleeping in it. Muriel, one of Courage’s owners, becomes possessed by the Mattress Demon and gets a demonic voice and some crazy hair. Courage must face his fear as both Muriel and Eustace are possessed by the demon.

Cruel Veterinarian

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The first monster that Courage had to encounter was the scary vet. The vet inflicted some of the worst trauma on Courage, as he was the reason that Courage was separated from his birth parents. The Cruel Vet needed to use Courage’s parents for an experiment, one where he launched them into space. The experiment obviously failed, and even worse, left Courage without his parents. Cruel Vet knows exactly how to lure poor dogs into his trap. He makes himself seem like a sweet old man who offers dogs candy. He then takes the dogs that he captures and runs experiments on them.

The Ulcer

One character that millennials might not have fully understood at the time of introduction is Ulcer. Ulcer is literally an ulcer, with a human inside that forces the people it takes over to try to be an actor. If he does not like what he sees, he will take the person and dip them into stomach acid, one of the cruelest things on the show. It makes sense that he has a knack for the performing arts, as he was originally part of Hollywood.

Spirit of the Harvest Moon

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The thing that makes Spirit of the Harvest Moon so scary is the way it looks — that is, so unlike most villains in the show that take pride in their haunted acts. The floating face with black eyes and lips gave children nightmares upon nightmares while growing up. In the show, it asks Courage to grow a garden within ten minutes. It then decides to make it a lot hotter and even starts to make some objects melt due to the extreme heat that is out there. The crazy and unique design of the character makes it one of the most memorable to grace television screens.

Black Puddle Queen

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The Black Puddle Queen had Courage on high alert when she showed up, as she was capable of having people follow her into the sea and then eating them on the spot. The fact that she is so skilled while trying to find prey makes her all the more scary and nerve-wracking. She is also able to become whatever kind of water that she wants, thus allowing her to transform into a river and go wherever she pleases. Once she has a target that she can go after, she will trap the person in a puddle and not let them out.

Eustace’s Bugle

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One of the most terrifying things to appear in the nightmares of Courage is Eustace’s Bugle. One of Eustace’s manifestations that he left aside and forgot about tends to scare Courage all the time. One thing that Courage is known for is that he will always protect Eustace and Muriel, no matter what. However, this villain does not go after Eustace and Muriel at all, but rather just Courage alone. It will try to make Courage feel bad and question himself, although Courage will always prevail and show that you can overcome anything, even if it is in your head.


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A ghost that used to be an Egyptian king, Ramses found Eustace after a part of his sacred tomb made its way to Eustace. Although Ramses was kind and polite when trying to talk to Eustace, Eustace declined to give it back. Ramses decided that being polite was not the way to go about this, and decided to strike sickness down on Muriel and Eustace. The fact that Ramses is so powerful, combined with his creepy face and startling look, make him easily one of the worst villains on the show.


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One of the most memorable villains that Courage had to face on the show just so happens to be related to Muriel and Eustace. Fred is their nephew and seems to be a good guy that everyone wants to be around. He is a well-known barber in the area. However, he has a disease that makes him want to cut off all of a person’s hair, which is not ideal for a barber. The fact that Fred has this disease makes Courage feel very nervous, as he does not want to lose his hair thanks to Fred. He must face Fred which leads up to one of the more chilling and nerve-racking moments for Courage.


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No list of the worst villains would be complete without including Katz, Courage’s number one nemesis. The creepy British accent just adds to the mystique of Katz, as he resembles a James Bond level villain. Courage tends to not be just scared of all of the antics that Katz gives, but also how normal and level-headed he seems while pulling these off.