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The 12 best ‘Our Flag Means Death’ characters, ranked

The Revenge has all kinds of unusual characters aboard.

Rhys Darby as Stede Bonnet, Vico Ortiz as Jim Jimenez, and Taika Waititi as Blackbeard in season one of 'Our Flag Means Death'
Photos via HBO Max

Shortly after its premiere in March 2022, Our Flag Means Death became one of HBO Max’s most beloved original series. Despite being set in 1717 — in the Golden Age of Piracy — and reimagining historical figures, the show cares little for accuracy or realism, living in a weird middle ground that only adds to the comedy. While that’s one of the reasons that makes the show so great, there’s much more for fans to like.

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David Jenkins’ rom-com is particularly well-known among LGBTQ+ audiences, who quickly became attached to its incredible cast of chaotic, eccentric, yet lovable characters. While Stede Bonnet and Blackbeard are undoubtedly the most iconic characters on the show and fan favorites, there’s no denying that Our Flag’s strength comes from its supporting characters, who are just as compelling to watch on screen.

Between the underdog crew of The Revenge, people from Stede’s home life, and remarkable antagonists, Our Flag Means Death has a lot to offer in terms of compelling characters, but it’s time we break it down and explore who the best of the best are.

12. Spanish Jackie

Leslie Jones as Spanish Jackie in season one of 'Our Flag Means Death'
Screengrab via HBO Max

Starting out as an antagonist to both Stede and Jim, Spanish Jackie leaves quite the impression on viewers from the very first moment she’s on screen. With a previous total of 20 husbands, this character is a feared pirate and tavern owner with a peculiar taste in decor — i.e. the nose jar. While skilled in a fight and intimidating, Jackie is also incredibly funny and eventually comes to terms with Jim’s vendetta against her husbands, getting over her own resentment in the process to reveal a more laid-back side of her personality.

11. The Swede

Nat Faxon as The Swede in season one of 'Our Flag Means Death'
Screengrab via HBO Max

Sweet, sweet Swede. Even though he gets little screen time, this character is among the most likable and funniest in Our Flag Means Death, courtesy of his below-average intelligence. Granted, a lot of Stede’s crew members aren’t known for their brilliance, but there’s something about the Swede that makes his foolishness particularly endearing. His scurvy arc is among the funniest bits on the show, as the pirate struggles with the realization that teeth do not, in fact, go back in after falling out. Perhaps it’s the way he speaks, his body language, his naivety, or a mix of everything, but one thing is for sure: watching the Swede be himself is the definition of a good time.

10. Buttons

Ewen Bremner as Buttons in season one of 'Our Flag Means Death'
Screengrab via HBO Max

He basks naked in moonlight and talks to seagulls; what’s not to like? Like all the characters in Our Flag Means Death, Buttons has a very distinct personality. His highly superstitious nature and belief in magic are fundamental traits of this seaman, who considers himself capable of unleashing curses. For all we know, maybe he is. Regardless, Buttons is one of the funniest characters aboard The Revenge and is the first crew member to show loyalty to his captain by warning him of the mutiny brewing. These traits make him one of the most beloved characters on the show.

9. Mary Bonnet

Claudia O'Doherty as Mary Bonnet in season one of 'Our Flag Means Death'
Screengrab via HBO Max

After being forced into an arranged marriage and abandoned by her husband, Mary takes life by the reigns and makes the best of the situation. Without Stede, she’s free to be the best version of herself, which includes having a career, finding actual love, and encouraging other women to take advantage of their husbands’ demises. Sure, she tries to murder Stede when he decides to unabandon his family, but ultimately, she plays along with his escape plan after the two share an honest and heartwarming moment. At the end of the day, Mary truly wishes her husband well… as long as he stays away from the life she fought so hard to build.

8. Frenchie

Joel Fry as Frenchie in season one of 'Our Flag Means Death'
Screengrab via HBO Max

Although he’s illiterate (like most of Stede’s crew), Frenchie doesn’t let that stop him from getting stuff done, often using his drawings as a means of communication on paper. In truth, Frenchie is quite a creative and skilled character, with a particular talent for sewing and musical instruments. Quick on his feet, he’s also responsible for the biggest con on the show — the pyramid scheme that showers him and Oluwande with riches from a full ship of French noblemen. Ironically, Frenchie’s cleverness in the art of scams isn’t applicable to other areas of life, as he wholeheartedly believes cats are secretly witches, but that’s part of the character’s appeal.

7. Pete

Matthew Maher as Pete in season one of 'Our Flag Means Death'
Screengrab via HBO Max

Pete’s tendency to lie and portray himself as cooler than he actually is might not be for everyone, but in the context of this show, it works perfectly. His embellished tales of piracy make for extremely comedic scenes, rivaled only by the hilarious blind admiration he shows for everything Blackbeard says or does. Despite starting out as a wannabe hyper-masculine character with an outspoken distaste for Stede’s brand of piracy, Pete’s softer side becomes evident as the show develops, and the audience is privy to some truly sweet and wholesome moments between him and Lucius. That’s not to say he gets absolved of faults, but overall, Pete is definitely among the most interesting characters to watch.

6. Oluwande Boodhari

Samson Kayo as Oluwande in season one of 'Our Flag Means Death'
Screengrab via HBO Max

Every chaotic group of characters needs a voice of reason, and that’s Oluwande. Not only is he one of the first crew members to help Stede maintain captaincy, but he also shows great loyalty and care for Jim, doing everything in his power to keep them away from trouble. Reasonable and kind, Oluwande became a pirate out of necessity and is easily one of the most likable characters in the show, gaining the appreciation of his crew mates and the audience alike. That’s not to say he doesn’t get up to schemes much like other characters, but ultimately, Olu’s goodwill shines through.

5. Israel “Izzy” Hands

Con O'Neill as Izzy Hands in season one of 'Our Flag Means Death'
Screengrab via HBO Max

No show worth its salt would be complete without a good antagonist. Granted, Izzy is not a particularly likable character but he doesn’t have to be in order to be interesting and compelling to watch on screen. At the end of the day, Izzy is one of the characters that drive the plot, and while the audience might not condone his actions, there’s something extremely amusing about seeing him struggle. Izzy’s reactions to everyone and everything that happens aboard The Revenge are pure gold, and we must admit, he plays the scorned wife role to perfection.

4. Jim Jimenez

Vico Ortiz as Jim Jimenez in season one of 'Our Flag Means Death'
Screengrab via HBO Max

The more we learn about Jim over the course of the series, the more we like them. Jim starts the series on the run, having boarded The Revenge disguised as a mute pirate after murdering Spanish Jackie’s favorite husband. Trained as a combatant since they were a child, Jim has been tasked with avenging their father’s death — something easily accomplished by someone unafraid of getting their hands dirty, but that ends up weighing them down. Mysterious, bold, charismatic, and a skilled fighter, Jim demands attention from the viewer, and as their walls start coming down, fans are unable to look away.

3. Lucius Spriggs

Nathan Foad as Lucius Spriggs in season one of 'Our Flag Means Death'
Photo via HBO Max

Lucius is a joy to watch on screen. He’s confident, an extremely funny character with great one-liners, and generally unafraid to speak up when the situation calls for it. We see this several times across season 1 as Lucius stands up to Izzy and manages to best him in his own game, and later with Blackbeard as he gives him a piece of his mind despite being clearly intimidated by the pirate. Underneath the cheeky exterior, though, Lucius is a very caring character, often acting as Stede’s emotional support.

2. Edward “Blackbeard” Teach

Taika Waititi as Blackbeard in 'Our Flag Means Death'
Photo via HBO Max

After cultivating a reputation as the most fearsome pirate in history, Blackbeard is eager to give it all up. As the audience gets to know over time, deep down, this intimidating character is deeply emotional, fragile, and yearns for connection — something he often feels the need to bury in order to meet others’ expectations. Highly intelligent, Blackbeard is able to get out of troublesome situations by coming up with ingenious plans on the spot, aided by his extensive sailing expertise and experience, as well as, of course, his incredible combat tactics. All that said, one of the best things about Blackbeard is the development he undergoes during the show, as he allows himself to be vulnerable and let others in.

1. Stede Bonnet

Rhys Darby as Stede Bonnet in season one of 'Our Flag Means Death'
Photo via HBO Max

Stede’s desire to leave conventional life behind informs all his decisions, and therefore is the driving force of the show. Born to a wealthy yet unloving father, Stede learned from an early age what society expects of him, and all the ways in which he fails to meet those expectations. Eccentric and tired of conforming, the protagonist takes to the high seas in search of adventure, and despite lacking all the necessary skills to do so, he’s determined to succeed. While naive, Stede displays a positive attitude about most things, and with the right guidance, he becomes not only a better pirate but a better person over the course of season 1.

Our Flag Means Death season two is planned to air sometime this year. In the meantime, fans can rewatch the first season on HBO Max, Prime Video, Apple TV, and BBC iPlayer.