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The Flash Fans Are Freaking Out Over Diggle’s Appearance Last Night

When Arrow came to its final conclusion last year it came with the loss not only of Oliver Queen, but also of seeing any more of his extensive roster of teammates. We’ve lately been getting some bonus appearances from John Diggle throughout the various Arrowverse shows, and last night it was the turn of The Flash to be graced with his presence, and viewers couldn’t be happier.

Diggle The Flash

When Arrow concluded last year it came with the loss not only of Oliver Queen, but also of seeing any more of his extensive roster of teammates. We’ve lately been getting some bonus appearances from John Diggle throughout the various Arrowverse shows, and last night it was the turn of The Flash to be graced with his presence, and viewers couldn’t be happier.

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Diggle arrived in Central City to help Team Flash battle the multiple iterations of Godspeed who have emerged to engage in a civil war for supremacy and assumption of the prime identity, bringing with him a high-tech trap not at all inspired in the slightest little bit by Ghostbusters that reacts so fast to its sensor being tripped that even a speedster can’t evade it.

Fans weren’t shy at sharing their delight at his presence, posting multiple reactions expressing varying levels of excitement.


Of course, Diggle cropping up in the stomping grounds of various other heroes is tied together by his mysterious discovery in his final moments of Arrow’s finale, where a box that crashed to Earth was shown to contain something emitting a distinctive verdant glow. Most people have assumed it was a Green Lantern ring, as speculation has been rife for years that he will ultimately recite the oath and join the Corp, although as specifics are being keep deliberately vague it’s unlikely that will be all there is to it.

Godspeed has always been one of the least compelling of the rogues gallery to be periodically featured on The Flash, so drafting in a fan favorite for a guest appearance managed to at least partially alleviate the tedium of a plotline already growing stale despite having barely begun. This isn’t the last we’ll see of Diggle, so hopefully he’ll inspire just as much enthusiasm when he next appears.