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The Office Review: “A.A.R.M.” (Season 9, Episodes 22-23)

What a great finale for The Office. Wait, there's still one more episode? You see, A.A.R.M. was pretty much like the finale, and it could have ended there. But that's the best part. Even though it's over, we still get that extra episode to get proper closure with everyone. And finale or not, this episode was fantastic. It tied up lots of things, brought together everything we love about the show, and just made you feel good by the end.

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I’ve always compared the Dwight and Angela romance to that of Jim and Pam. They have a love story between them that’s as great as Jim and Pam’s, even though it’s completely different. And while I never expected this, the writers found a way to intertwine both love stories together in one episode, and in the act, crucial points in both love stories are reached.

Jim has a CD that the documentary crew put together for him, but before he can show it to Pam, he’s called upon by Dwight for help. Dwight explains how he was ready to propose to Esther and how she’s got everything he needs in a good wife. So what’s the problem? Angela. Pam meanwhile can’t hold it in and pops in the CD. It begins a montage of their journey. The days before they got together, it’s what we saw these past nine years. The quick looks at each other when the other isn’t looking, the obvious signs of love in both their faces, even if it wasn’t so obvious back then. Then their first kiss, and then when they get together, and then when they get married. And all the good stuff in between.

Pam watches all this while Jim tells Dwight about love. How despite anything, you always go with love. “You gotta forget logic, and fear, and doubt. You just gotta do everything you can to get to the one woman who’s gonna make all this worth it. At the end of the day, you gotta jump. You love Angela, Dwight. I think you always have.”

And it’s at this moment I’m amazed at the how well the writers have been able to make us care for Dwight and Angela as much as we did for Jim and Pam all those years ago when they were getting together. Jim and Pam were THE couple, but Dwight and Angela’s story have reached that level and you want to root for them just as much. I never would’ve thought that possible. This scene is also a testament to how far Jim and Dwight have come in their relationship. Jim sets Dwight straight and it couldn’t have been anyone else.

Jim then rushes back to Pam (who’s all teared up by now) as she watches the events of Season 2’s Christmas Party play out on the montage. Remember that note that Jim never gave her that night? It seems he’s had it all this time, and he gives it to Pam now, and that’s all she needs. “Not enough for me? You are everything,” he says. Now, it’s happily-ever-after for the Halperts.

Dwight meanwhile rushes to Angela. Their relationship has always been comedic in nature, and that’s no more apparent than here when Dwight chases her down the road and tells her to pull over with a loudspeaker. They get out and Dwight finally proclaims his love for her. “I will raise a 100 children, with a 100 of your lovers if it means I can be with you.” And then he gets down on one knee and proposes to her. And she accepts. Aww.

It also turns out Angela lied, as Philip is indeed Dwight’s son. The DNA test they had a long time ago was false indeed. She lied because she wanted him to marry her because he wanted to marry her, not just for the sake of the child. The joy on Dwight’s face when he realizes he’s a father makes their whole journey worth it for us viewers. If The Farm spinoff had happened, we would’ve been robbed of this beautiful moment.

Finally, everyone gathers together at Poor Richard’s to watch the documentary premiere. The bartender won’t change the channel cause it’s a tie between who wants the documentary and who wants to watch the game. Enter Andy who adds another vote and saves the day. Despite burning all the bridges, he’s back with the group and it’s great to see him with them again. As they’re all together, the documentary starts, with Michael’s Scott’s familiar voice back on the show. It’s the very first scene from the Pilot episode. If it was the series finale, it would’ve been almost poetic to end there. But fortunately, we’re not done just yet.

A.A.R.M. had too much going on, as you can see, but it was all carefully balanced and well paced, making for one heck of an episode. It had laugh out loud moments, and the kind of emotional scenes that The Office has always done right. It was a feel-good episode, and I’m sure both long-time and new fans will have enjoyed it immensely.

Even though the show was always about all the characters, you could say it was Michael-centric till he left. This season Dwight took his place as even with all the storylines playing out, Dwight had the most to do. His arc has reached its end now that he finally got together with Angela, and found true love. And this arc carries us forward into the finale as they get married six months later. Lots of characters are set to return, including Steve Carell. And remember, it’s super-sized with an extra 15 minutes. There’s also a retrospective taking place before the episode, and I’m looking forward to it as much as the finale. The end is near and it’s time to face it, but it’s clear that no matter what, we’ll end up satisfied.

What did you think of the penultimate episode of The Office? Let us know in the comments, as always.