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The strongest female characters in ‘Game of Thrones’ and ‘House of the Dragon’

Here's a list of the fiercest women in 'Game of Thrones' and 'House of the Dragon.'

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Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon would be less special without all its strong women. They live in an unfair society and suffer more hardships than their male counterparts, and yet still manage to break through and hold their own.

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GOT made some questionable decisions with its female characters over the course of its eight seasons. Some hated the levels of violence against them, while others commended it for its gritty realism. The ending’s ineffective commentary on women in power didn’t help matters and instead, it damaged the series. Cersei mostly drank wine rather than being a true adversary to Daenerys, and Daenerys used her dragon Drogon to set King’s Landing ablaze without provocation. House of the Dragon fared much better in its first season, allowing the women to have complex characterizations that matched their actions. There have been fewer women in the prequel, but they’ve already made powerful impressions on viewers.

No matter what era they existed in, the women of Westeros deserve respect for holding it down in a man’s world. Here’s our list of the strongest female characters in Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon.

10. Sansa Stark

Sansa Stark began the series dreaming of being a princess, but those dreams were decidedly dashed by the reality of what it takes to be a princess. As Joffrey’s betrothed, she was more like a prisoner, bearing witness to his obscene and violent acts. When Joffrey has her father Ned Stark’s head cut off, one would assume that this would break someone as seemingly fragile as Sansa, but she didn’t break. She found a new way to survive, steeling herself with an inner fortitude to withstand atrocities. This continues when she’s brought to Ramsey Bolton, who might’ve been even more twisted than Joffrey, but she gets the last laugh when she feeds him to his dogs. In season six, she shows her tactical might when she secures victory in the Battle of the Bastards by calling upon the Knights of the Vale. A wilting flower she is not.

9. Yara Greyjoy

The Iron Islands is a brutal region and one has to be even more brutal to rule over it. Yara is the older sister of Theon Greyjoy, and while was taken hostage by Ned Stark after Balon’s rebellion against the Iron Throne, she remained behind in the Iron Islands. Balon raised her as he would a son and she grew into a strong warrior, commanding a longship and persevering over men who didn’t think she was worthy of the role. She showed great determination in trying to free Theon from Ramsey’s clutches. Despite her Uncle Euron Greyjoy’s efforts, Yara becomes the rightful ruler and Queen of the Iron Throne as her father intended. There are multiple instances of women being chosen to rule, and it’s nice seeing it actually happen.

8. Brienne of Tarth

Brienne of Tarth sought to do the impossible: become a knight of the seven realms. She’s the heir of Lord Selwyn Tarth of Evenfall and the odds were stacked against her. Her tall height and muscular build made her an oddity in society, but she had dreams of becoming a knight. She vowed to protect Lady Catelyn Stark and then sought to protect Arya Stark, and she took her oaths very seriously. She joins King Renly Baratheon’s forces in the War of the Five Kings and wins in a tournament against men. She’s defeated the Hound in battle, and further proved just how strong she is. When Jamie Lannister knighted her as the first woman of the Seven Kingdoms, it felt like she had earned it.

7. Margaery Tyrell

Margaery Tyrell knew how to play the game and she played it well. She’s from Highgarden, but this rose has thorns. When she arrived at King’s Landing she showed how capable she was at wrangling Joffrey’s base desires. Where Sansa couldn’t manage all his sadistic tendencies, Margaery steered the lecherous creature in the right direction. Her presence angered Cersei and after Joffrey died and Margaery was betrothed to Tommen, she blows up the sept she and her brother Renly are staying in due in part to sever the connection Margaery had with her surviving son. It was a harsh death to such a worthy character, but she will be remembered for her effectiveness as a woman in power.

6. Missandei

Missandei began as a slave from the island of Naath in the Summer Sea, who then rose to become an interpreter to Kraznys mo Nakloz of Astapor, but even this was a form of imprisonment. Kraznys was not a kind man. He was a slaveowner who disrespected women, but her high intelligence made her one of the most helpful allies in all the realm. She speaks 19 languages and even knows some dead languages as well. When Daenerys comes to purchase Kraznys’ Unsullied army, Missandei translates his words, but through a cordial filter so as not to offend the Targaryen princess. Dany is no fool either. She knows the offensive words Kraznys has used and has Drogon burn the slave owner. She leaves with Missandei and the Unsullied army, and they work together to free enslaved people and put the world on the right path.

5. Rhaenys Targaryen

Princess Rhaenys got such a raw deal. House of the Dragon begins with King Jaecerys naming her cousin King Viserys over her, which is where her nickname, “the Queen Who Never Was.” She’s aware that men would rather set a torch to the realm than see a woman ascend the tone, and she’s proven right. The losses keep coming for Rhaenys. Her daughter dies while having childbirth and her son Laenor is killed in a swordfight and his body thrown into the fire. (This wasn’t actually Laenor, but another man used as a decoy for Laenor to escape.) She’s had to suffer through all this pain and she still powered through it. In episode nine, “The Black Council,” she’s locked in her room to keep her from getting to Rhaenyra, and not only does she escape, but she gets to her dragon Meleys and roars in the Greens’ faces. Legendary.

4. Olenna Tyrell

Lady Olenna is the master of comebacks. She’s the matriarch of Highgarden and is known for her sharp wit and undeniable political savvy. She goes to King’s Landing with her granddaughter Margaery and she holds court with the best of them, playing the Game of Thrones with the likes of Varys, Tyrion, and Tywin, and holding her own in every exchange. After her family is killed in the Destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor, she allies herself with Princess Daenerys and gave her some of the best advice she ever received. Dany’s council has been advising her poorly and Lady Olenna tells her simply, “Be the dragon,” and she achieved victory. Later, Jamie Lannister takes Highgarden and gives her the option of a peaceful death. Before she goes out she tells him that she’s the one who killed his son Joffrey. It’s one of the coldest moments in the entire series and we love her for it.

3. Rhaenyra Targaryen

Rhaenyra Targaryen’s story is one of injustice. King Viserys named his daughter heir and houses pledged their fealty to her, but the whole time she was being undermined by her father’s Hand, Otto Hightower. He used his daughter (and Rhaenyra’s best friend) Alicent to get in the king’s good graces, marry him, and had children of her own for the purpose of weakening Rhaenyra’s claim. Throughout the first season of House of the Dragon, we see how strong she is. She’s got a fearless attitude, she uses her dragon proficiently, and she’s shown to have a great mind for strategy. But when King Viserys dies, Otto puts his plan into action and installs Alicent’s eldest son Aegon to the throne, forcing her to strike back. After that season one finale episode where she loses so much, we just know she’s going to bring the fire in season two.

2. Arya Stark

Arya Stark is the youngest of the Stark girls, and her feistiness was made immediately apparent. Unlike her sister Sansa, she didn’t care for pretty dresses or having the life of a princess, she wanted to be a knight. Little did she know just how adventurous her path would be. After her father’s beheaded in King’s Landing, she goes on a quest to kill those who have wronged her and her family. Her list of names included Cersei, Joffrey, Ser Meryn Trant, Tywin, Walder Frey, Polliver, The Hound, The Mountain, MelissandreSer Ilyn Payne, Beric Dondarrion, and Thoros of Myr. Arya travels through Westeros and gets stronger and exacts revenge on her foes. While she doesn’t kill everyone on the list herself, they all end up dead. A win is a win.

1. Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryen’s journey has been epic. She’s had to escape Westeros for Essos, she’s been abused and disrespected. She started as a slave, sold to Khal Drogo by her very own brother, yet she found the strength to overcome her adversity and take control of her own life. Her mission is to return to Westeros and reclaim her birthright to sit on the Iron Throne, and she commits to being a different kind of ruler, one who wants to break the wheels of injustice. She’s the Breaker of Chains too, freeing enslaved people wherever she goes. Daenerys brings magic back to the world when she obtains three dragon eggs and they become her children, and that scene where she’s She sailed the Narrow Sea with thousands upon thousands of Dothraki and Unsullied at her command, and the sense of her standing triumphantly on her ship with her many forces with her was TV history. Daenerys has become an icon that has transcended the show, and her presence was strong enough for them to commit to a whole show about her ancestors.